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1、_1.What are you doing?2.What are you doing?_I am doing homework.We are doing morning exercises._3.What is your mother doing?4.What is Zhang Peng doing?_My mother is cooking dinner.He is drawing pictures._5.What is your sister doing?6.What are your parents doing?_My sister is answering the phone.My p

2、arents are watching TV.7.Are you drawing pictures?_8.Is your father watching TV?_No,I am not.No,he isnt.I am sweeping the floor.1._?I am playing football.2._?What are you doingWhat are you doing_She is playing the piano.3._?My father is reading books.4._?What is she doing_What is your father doingMy

3、 sister is answering the phone.5._?My parents are cooking dinner.6._?_What is your sister doingWhat are your parents doingThe boy is eating breakfast.7._?The students are running.8._?_What is the boy doingWhat are the students doingI can draw pictures.1._?I often draw pictures on Sundays.2._?I am dr

4、awing pictures.3._?_What do can you_What do do youon Sundays_What doing are youI can cook dinner.4._?I often cook dinner on weekends.5._?I am cooking dinner.6._?_What do can you_What do do youon weekends_What doing are youMy mother can clean the bedroom.7._?Amy is doing the dishes.8._?I can play the

5、 piano.9._?_What do can your mother_What doing is Amy_What do can youYes,I am eating dinner.1._?Yes,my sister is swimming.2._?No,the boy is doing homework.3._?Are you eating dinnerIs your sister swimmingIs the boy doing houseworkNo,she isnt cooking dinner.4._?Yes,I often read books on Sundays.5._?Yes,I can clean the board.6._?Is shecooking dinnerDo you often read books on SundaysCan you clean the boardYes,my parents are watching TV.7._?Yes,Sarah is singing.8._?No,I am doing the dishes.9._?Are your parents watching TVIs Sarah singsingAre you cooking dinner


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