开心学英语三年级下册《Unit 9 What time is it》ppt课件之一.ppt

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开心学英语三年级下册《Unit 9 What time is it》ppt课件之一.ppt_第1页
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开心学英语三年级下册《Unit 9 What time is it》ppt课件之一.ppt_第5页
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1、 clocksWhat time is it?Its.What time is it?Its one oclock.What time is it?Its two oclock.What time is it?Its three oclock.Is it one oclock?Its four oclock.No,it isnt.Is it two oclock?Its five oclock.No,it isnt.Is it five oclock?Its six oclock.No,it isnt.Is it seven oclock?Its seven oclock.Yes,it is.

2、Is it eight oclock?Its eight oclock.Yes,it is.Is it nine oclock?Its nine oclock.Yes,it is.What time is it?Its ten oclock.What time is it?Its eleven oclock.What time is it?Its twelve oclock.What time is it?Is it seven oclock?No,it isnt.Its one oclock.Yes,it is.Is it seven oclock?Bom one oclocktwo ocl

3、ockthree oclockfour oclockfive oclocksix oclockseven oclockeight oclocknine oclockten oclockeleven oclocktwelve oclockBomb What time is it?Its .Look and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and sayHuitailangIts twelve oclock.I want to eat you.:Huitailang,Huitailang,what time is it?:Its oclock.


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