冀教版四年级下unit1《lesson 5 how many do i have》ppt课件.ppt

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1、(冀教版)四年级英语下册课件(冀教版)四年级英语下册课件 unitunit1 1 lesson lesson5 5lesson 5 how many do i have?lesson 5 how many do i have?Teaching Aims:1、Students can listen、read、say and use these words correctly:oneone hundred2、Students can listen、read、say and understand the following sentences:How many _do I have?How many

2、 children are thereHow many children are there?There are two children There are two children How many chairs in our classroom?How many chairs in our classroom?There are six chairsThere are six chairs看课文,读句子回答问题。看课文,读句子回答问题。How many books can you see in the picture?How many books can you see in the p

3、icture?How many books are there on the desk?How many books are there on the desk?How many books does Danny have?How many books does Danny have?1 pencil1 pencil-2 pencils-2 pencils1 book-5 books1 book-5 books1 marker-12 markers1 marker-12 markers1 eraser-4 erasers1 eraser-4 erasers通过下面的句子,观察名词的单复数形式通

4、过下面的句子,观察名词的单复数形式试题练习试题练习连线:连线:25+13 one hundred25+13 one hundred 49+37 thirty-eight 49+37 thirty-eight 80+20 ninety-nine 80+20 ninety-nine 56+43 eighty-six 56+43 eighty-six 根据规律写数字根据规律写数字 One three five _ _ _One three five _ _ _ Eleven twelve fourteen seventeen _ _ _ Eleven twelve fourteen seventeen _ _ _ Twenty-two Twenty-four Twenty-six _ _ _ Twenty-two Twenty-four Twenty-six _ _ _


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