冀教版五年级下unit2《Lesson10 A walking in Beijing》ppt课件.ppt

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1、 Lesson 10 A Walk in Beijing.This is a man.A man is slowA bicycle is faster than a man.This is a plane.A plane is fastThis is a car.A car is slow.A plane is faster than a car.This is a plane.A plane is fastThis is a train.A train is slow.A plane is faster than a train.take a taxi/cab;go for a walk;w

2、alk down the streeThe street has many_,_,_and big _.The cars and bicycles go _.The buses and trucks go .There are many people on the street,too.carsbusesbucyclestrucksquicklyslowlyThe men and women are .They walk .quicklyquickThe children are .They walk .slowslowlyDanny see a _restaurant.Im .DannyJe

3、nnyNo,Danny!Dont go!There are too many.andhungrytruckscarsNow Danny feels scared.Jenny and LiMing feel_,too.Everyone feels_.Help!Help!DannyA manI can help you!scaredscaredDanny buy a snack.What does he do now?Hi,Jenny!Hi,LiMing!Here I come.DannyJennyNo,Danny!DannyHelp!Help!1.用用“am is are”填空:填空:1.Who_ it?2.What _you doing now?3.LiMings father _a businessman.4.They _loud.But I_quiet.5.Fast and quick_the same.6.I_not a baby.轻松课堂1.take a cab_2.散步散步3.walk down the street_4.在街上在街上_5.There are many people on the street._6.每个人都感到很震惊每个人都感到很震惊 我是小翻译:我是小翻译:


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