冀教版五年级上unit2《lesson 16 again, please》ppt课件.ppt

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1、UNIT2 Lesson 16UNIT2 Lesson 16Revision1.What colour is China?China is red./The red country is China.2.What colour is Canada?Canada is green./The green country is Canada.3.What colour is the U.S.?The U.S.is purple./The purple country is the U.S.4.What colour is the U.K.?The U.K.is blue./The blue coun

2、try is the U.K.5.What colour is Australia?Australia is yellow./The yellow country is Australia.1.The U.S.is east of China.China is west of the U.S.2.The U.K.is west of China.The U.K.is west and a little north of China.3.Australia is south and east of China.4.Canada is north of the U.S.1.China Beijin

3、g2.Canada Ottawa3.U.S.Washington,D.C.4.U.K.London5.Australia Canberra Beijing is the capital city of China.北京是中国的首都。The capital city of China is Beijing.中国的首都是北京。1.China Tiananmen Square the Palace Museum2.Canada Niagara Falls Rocky Mountains3.U.S.White House Statue of Liberty4.U.K.Buckingham Palace

4、5.Australia Kangaroo beautiful beach 1.The capital of China is _.2.The capital of U.S.is _.3.The capital of Canada is _.4.The capital of Australia is _.5.The capital of U.K.is _.1Fill in the blanks2ConnectingChinathe Palace MuseumNiagara FallsWhite HouseBuckingham PalaceKangarooCanadaU.S.U.K.Australia


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