冀教版五年级上unit1《lesson 8 Again, please》ppt课件.ppt

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1、grandfathergrandmotherfathermotheruncleaunt soncousindaughterLook!This is my family My fathers brother is my My fathers father is my My uncle s wife is my My uncle s son and daughter are my I am my mothers uncle grandfatherauntcousinsson Do you know?My father is than my mother.My mother is than my f

2、ather.My father is than my mother.My mother is than my father.3935tallershorter older younger 你会比较了吗?你会比较了吗?Do you know What they work and what they like to do?My mother is a doctor.She likes to go to the movie theatre to .My father is a businessman.He likes to go to the to play badminton.I am a stu

3、dent.I like to stay at home to .看谁快!看谁快!watch a moviedo my homeworkgymMy aunt is a teacher.She likes to go to the library to .My uncle is a clerk.He likes to go to the to have lunch.My sister is a nurse.She likes to go to the to watch animals.read booksrestaurantzoo看谁快!看谁快!1.Mary is _than Jing a.tal

4、ler b.tall c.short d.young2.My mother is _than my grandmother.a.young b.younger c.old d.older3.What _they do?a.are b.do c.does d.is4.My uncle likes _on the computer.a.work b.working c.to work d.worked5.We are the twins,we look _samea.a b.the .c./d.anabbbc请选出正确答案请选出正确答案1.eat like to dumplings I2.watc

5、h go a they to movie to movie theatre the 3.you to the shop buy do pencils go to 连词组句连词组句:They go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.I like to eat dumplings.You go to the shop to buy pencils.八八.读短文,判断下列句子的正误。读短文,判断下列句子的正误。Gray hair and glasses My mothers father is very old.He is eighty-one years

6、old.He has white hair.My grandfather is older than my grandmother.He wears glasses.My grandmother has gray hair and glasses.My fathers father is seventy-six years old.He has gray hair.My fathers mother is seventy.She has gray hair,too.She wears glasses.Look at Jing and me.I am taller than Jing.How m

7、any people in my family wear glasses?Five.1.()My mothers father is eighty-one years old.2.()My grandfather is older than my grandmother.3.()I am shorter than Jing.4.()My fathers mother wears glasses.5.()Three people in my family wear glasses.TTFFTHomework:1.Ask and answer in pairs.2.Copy the important sentences.


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