三年级英语下册Unit 7课件4.ppt

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1、牛津小学英语牛津小学英语FUN WITH ENGLISH3B Unit 7 Where?相城区北桥中心小学相城区北桥中心小学 付志芳付志芳A roomWheres the dog?Its in the plane.Wheres the plane?Its on the bed.Wheres the bed?Its in the room.Where?Where?Wheres the cake?Fridge!Fridge!Its in the fridge.Lets chant.MumDadSu Yangstudy 书房书房Where?Where?Wheres Dad?Study!Study!H

2、es in the Study.Lets chant.kitchen 厨房厨房Where?Where?Wheres Mum?Kitchen!Kitchen!Shes in the kitchen.Lets chant.sitting-room 客厅客厅Wheres the camera?Its on the fridge.I cant find Mum.Wheres the cake,Mum?Shes in the kitchen.Its in the fridge.Wheres she?他们在说什么?猜一猜,说一说。他们在说什么?猜一猜,说一说。Sorry,I dont know.他们在说什

3、么?猜一猜,说一说。他们在说什么?猜一猜,说一说。Mum,I cant find Dad.Wheres he?Excuse me,Dad.Wheres the camera?Hes in the study.Excuse me,Wheres David?Hes in the Magical eyesstudyExcuse me,wheres Mum?Shes in the Magical eyeskitchenExcuse me,wheres Dad?Hes in the Magical eyescinemaExcuse me,wheres Helen?Shes in the Magical

4、eyeszooExcuse me,wheres the _?Its in/on the_.Look and say.Look,find and say.I cant find the.Where is it?bookyo-yodresscatbearLook and writeWheres the _?Its _ the bed._ the book?_ on _ _._ David?_ _ the _.Wheres Su Yang?_ _ _ kitchen.onsweaterItsWheresthetheinShesdeskinHesstudyWheres1.Copy the new words four times:study,kitchen,sitting-room.2.Read the dialogue of Part A ten times and try to recite it fluently.3.Use the words and sentences in the daily life.I cant find我找不到我找不到I cant find Dad.I cant find the storybook.?


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