四年级英语上册Unit 7课件2.ppt

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1、4A Unit 7 Its late第二教时苏州市三元实验小学 王勤seven forty Whats the time?ItsWhat time do you go to school?I go to school at seven forty.go to schoolWhat time do you go to school?I go to school at Whats the time?Itsfour fifteenWhat time do you come home?I come home at four e homeWhat time do you come home?I come

2、 home at .have breakfastWhat time do you have breakfast?I have breakfast at seven thirty-five.Say a rhymeGet up,get up at sixGo to school,go to school at eightHave lunch,have lunch at twelveGo home,go home at fiveWatch TV,watch TV at six thirtyGo to bed,go to bed at eight thirtyDo a survey Li Liget

3、up6:30have breakfast7:00go to school7:40have lunch12:00go home4:30watch TV6:30go to bed8:301.Its seven forty now.()2.I go to school at seven forty.()3.I come home at four fifty.()Yes or no?grandmaMike插入A部分视频1.Its seven forty now.()2.I go to school at seven forty.()3.I come home at four fifty.()Yes o

4、r no?Have breakfast,Mike.Whats the time?Its seven thirty-five.Its late!What time do you go to school?I go to school at seven forty.What time do you come home?At four fifteen.See you in the afternoon!Bye,grandma!Write your time table I get up at .I have breakfast at .I go to school at .I go home at .I watch TV at .I go to bed at .


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