一年级英语Doctor and nurse课件3.ppt

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1、沪教牛津版一年级下册英语沪教牛津版一年级下册英语He is a postman,a postman.He is tall,he is tall.Goodbye,postman,goodbye.He is a policeman,a policeman.He is tall,he is tall.Goodbye,policeman,goodbye.Sing a songSheShe is a girl.She is a teacher.She is a driver.Guangming HospitalShe is a doctor.She is old.How old is she?She i

2、s 50.She is a nurse.No,She is young.Is she old?Is she a doctor?Yes,she is.Is she a nurse?Yes,she is.Is she old?No,she is not.Is she young?Yes,she is.Is she a teacher?Yes,she is.Is she a nurse?No,she is not.She is a cook.cook book The cook has a book.heHe is a policeman.He is a fireman.She is a docto

3、r.She is a cook.Rhyme:Tall doctor,short doctor,I can see.Old doctor,young doctor,Come and help me.Doctor and nurseShe is a ,a .She is old,she is old.Goodbye,goodbye.She is a ,a .She is young,she is young.Goodbye,goodbye.Homework:1.Listen to the tape of P23 and P24 five times.2.Prepare P22 before the lesson.


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