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1、佳 瑜这次修改比上次有一定的进步,但依然存在较多问题,如果这样交上去,一定被打回来。一是格式问题,目录格式及文献问题,具体建议见文内。二是内容需要扩充及调整,具体建议见文内三是语言问题,语言错误较多,我仅仅改了一部分语言问题,其他的需要你自己认真修改。四是要求同学之间互改,但从你的文中我可以看出,你没有读过别人的,也没有人给你改过论文,所以,里面还有许多低级错误,希望这一次你能找两个同学帮你修改一下,你也看至少两个同学的。 学号:1005114159 河南师范大学本科毕业论文浅析雾都孤儿中费金人物形象学 院 名 称: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 名 称: 英 语 教 育 年 级 班 别: 20

2、10 级 5 班 姓 名: 李 佳 瑜 指 导 教 师: 周 桂 芝 2014年 5 月word文档 可自由复制I编辑21An Analysis of the Image of Fagin A Thesis Submittedto Faculty of International Studies of Henan Normal Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByLi JiayuSupervisor:Zhou GuizhiMay, 2014Acknowle

3、dgements With the composition of the thesis coming to an end, I have at last obtained an opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Zhou Guizhi, who has not only given me her generous and instructive advice, and valuable materials, but also spent much time reading and correcting the manus

4、cript of the thesis. Besides, teachers constant encouragement and help during my study here could not be underestimated for the fulfillment of this thesis.I am also thankful to other teachers of English Department, whose courses I have attended and from whom I have learned much.I would also like to

5、acknowledge my deep indebtedness to my parents who spare no pains bringing me up.摘要再找同学看看你的格式费金是狄更斯作品雾都孤儿中的一个反面人物的典型代表。他被誉为是邪恶的化身。费金是个悲剧性的人物,而他的悲剧人生是自身因素和社会环境共同作用的结果。本论将从其双重人格,多面性以及内心世界来深刻的剖析和展示这个人物形象,。以于此同时也能揭示造成人物悲惨命运的种种原因以及家庭与社会环境对个人成长的影响。,展示因果报应的人生哲学以及人性的脆弱。费金是个悲剧性的人物,而他的悲剧人生是自身因素和社会环境共同作用的结果。费金

6、的性格行为特征,与其生存环境以及当时大的生存背景休戚相关。而正是他的性格行为特征,对其命运的造就发挥了至关重要的 作用。费金的最终下场是可悲,可叹甚至可怜的。世间没有绝对的好人,也没有绝对的坏人,好与坏没有不可逾越的鸿沟。本论文正是基于这样的认识,深刻剖析人物形象的方方面面, 以揭示家庭与社会环境对个人成长的影响。关键词:费金; 人物形象; 雾都孤儿; 分析中文摘要要求在200字左右AbstractFagin is a typical representative of villain in Dickens Oliver Twist. He is often hailed as the emb

7、odiment of evil. Fagin is a tragic figure, and his tragic end is the interaction results of his own defeets and the social environment. This paper will analyze the figure from his dual personality, multi-faceted as well as the inner world . At the same time, a variety of reasons to cause the tragic

8、fate of this figure will be discussed, , the family background and social environment play a vital role in individual development, and the karma philosophy of life, and the fragility of human nature be illustrated. Fagin is a tragic figure, and his tragic end is the interaction results of his own de

9、feets and the social environment. Fagins character and behaviors have the largest stake with their living environment and the survival of the background. His character and behaviors have played a vital role in creating his fate precisely. Fagins ultimate fate is sad, regrettable and even pathetic. T

10、his paper tries to reveal that there is no absolutely good, nor absolutely evil, nor unbridgeable gap between good and evil and that the family background and social environment play a vital role in individual development . Key words: Fagin; image; Oliver Twist; analysis根据中文摘要,重新修改英文摘要 Table of Cont


12、th a Devils Face823.2 Fagin with an Angels Face9CHAPTER FOUR THREE FAGIN, REASONS FOR HIS TRAGIC FATE你的目录太短,这里要加上小标题,扩充内容3.1113.23.33.4 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION14WORKS CITEDBIBLIOGRAPHY15 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 Chapter One Introduction字号不对,你按照文学模板,认真修改格式Oliver Twist is Dickens early socialistic work that revea

13、ls the social condition at that time. Many readers focus on the writing techniques, writing styles or writing features of the work(都有谁,列出来两三个,并在后面文献中标出来). Some do research on the detailed expression of characterization and make comment on the creative background and literary values都有谁,列出来两三个,并在后面文献中

14、标出来. This thesispaper intends to analyze another key character Fagin in the work through his dual personality and his different attitude to people. Probing his inner world, his mind experience will be revealed.Both good and evil will be rewarded. Fagin ends up his life with being hanged. However, hi

15、s inner world is colorful. with the unknown loneliness, weakness and even sadness,though he is guilty of the most heinous crimes and is driven into an impasse. Its possible that just because of these reasons, a criminal is made, and his evil is more vicious. This paper thesis attempts to call on all

16、 the society to pay attention to the true fact hidden under the surface so that it draw the whole societys focus. There is a wide range of research on Oliver Twist at present. For example, Mr. Lu Jingo has published an article “Charles and His Oliver Twist”( Shanghai Translation Publishing House ) i

17、n 2004, providing detailed information about the creative background and literary values of Oliver Twist and also commenting on Dickens writing techniques so that readers can have a relatively deep understanding of the great master. And also Dickens works have constantly studied on by some other wri

18、ters of literature classes in foreign universities, among which University of California in America is the most famous one.Oliver Twist is Charles Dickenss first fully crafted novel created at the age of 25. This young novelist set English socialist painter William Hogarth as his example and faced l

19、ife bravely, truly exposing the poor life of London slums at that time. It contains a lofty moral purpose that protests the inequality of the society, calls for the public opinions and carries out the revolution so that the poor people can receive rescues. Accordingly, Dickens has been defined as “t

20、he founder and the greatest representative in British socialist literature” by some scholars in China. Chen Ting “Charles Dickens”( Liaoning People Publishing 1982 )In Oliver Twist, good and evil are everywhere. Developing in clash and making a clear contrast, good and evil are the two opposite side

21、s in humanity. But in general, the evil will never be prosperous, and virtue will be successful for ever. The novel, Oliver Twist just wants to reveal the moral principles. At the end of it, different characters gain their different destiny. Their fates present themselves in two different ways, that

22、 is, the Fagin gangs miserable end and the Twist gangs perfect end. In Fagins gang, Fagin is hanged, which can be seen as a most tragic end. Of course, his fate is decided by his most evil crimes. As for Sikes, he is shot to death because of his attempting to escape when is arrested. Maybe this man

23、is the most irritable one of all the thieves. His personality makes even Fagin to be afraid of him. Then, what about Nancy? She is the most controversial character in the novel. She is brought up by Fagin and she is also a member of the gang. But when she encounters Twist, she begins to change. She

24、tries her best to explore the angel side of her personality and makes all her efforts to help the poor orphan. What she has done damaged the benefits of her gang, so finally, she is cruelly killed. How about Jack Dawkins and Tom? Justice cant let them go. They are finally put in prison. On the contr

25、ary, the Oliver gang all take an excellent end, especially, Olivier Twist himself. He is adopted by a gentleman who is his fathers best friend and lives near his aunty. So there cannot be such a good ending any more. Fagin is the main character to be discussed in the paper, and also he is a key role

26、 in the novel. Dickens meticulouslyportrays a Fagin with broken-up personality who is both normal and crazy at times .That is,in daily life, he is a lively old man, but he is a devil when connected with money and desire. In fact, he is a rebel of British social order and a chief criminal who forces

27、the weak to step on the criminal road, and also an output of British corrupt reality. Although he is evil, he is also weak when encounteringthe more powerful forces. He has a dual personality and many different faces prepared for different people. He is cruel and evil in appearance. But what does it

28、 look like in his inner world? Everyoneshould be responsible for what he does, though there must be reasons for him do the thing. However, even criminals are not bad from head to feet. They still have the kind side or something thats worth pity. So we should try our best to look at people and things

29、 dialectically. Thus we can have a more comprehensive and objective understanding about everything. 建议把这几段已到第二章第一节So in this thesis, an in-depth analysis of the image of Fagin, the key character in the novel will be given out, through his dual personality, his different faces to different people, an

30、d then probe into his inner world. Only in this way, the figure will be made clear before readers.This paper consists of five main parts : Chapter One Introduction , Chapter Two Fagin with Dual Personality , Chapter Three Fagin with Two Face , Chapter Four REASONS For HIS TRAGIC FATE , Chapter Five

31、Conclusion .佳瑜,你没有读过别人的,也没有人给你改过论文吧。这一段重写。 Chapter ONETwo Fagin with Dual Personality12.1 A Brief Introduction to Oliver Twist把上面的内容移过来Oliver Twist is Dickens early socialistic work that reveals the social condition at that time. Many readers focus on the writing techniques, writing styles or writin

32、g features of the work. Some do research on the detailed expression of characterization and make comment on the creative background and literary values. This paper intends to analyze another key character Fagin in the work through his dual personality and his different attitude to people. Probing hi

33、s inner world, his mind experience will be revealed.Both good and evil will be rewarded. Fagin ends up his life with being hanged. However, his inner world is colorful. with the unknown loneliness, weakness and even sadness,though he is guilty of the most heinous crimes and is driven into an impasse

34、. Its possible that just because of these reasons, a criminal is made, and his evil is more vicious. This paper attempts to call on all the society to pay attention to the true fact hidden under the surface so that it draw the whole societys focus. There is a wide range of research on Oliver Twist a

35、t present. For example, Mr. Lu Jingo has published an article “Charles and His Oliver Twist” in 2004, providing detailed information about the creative background and literary values of Oliver Twist and also commenting on Dickens writing techniques so that readers can have a relatively deep understa

36、nding of the great master. And also Dickens works have constantly studied on by some other writers of literature classes in foreign universities, among which University of California in America is the most famous one.Oliver Twist is Charles Dickenss first fully crafted novel created at the age of 25

37、. This young novelist set English socialist painter William Hogarth as his example and faced life bravely, truly exposing the poor life of London slums at that time. It contains a lofty moral purpose that protests the inequality of the society, calls for the public opinions and carries out the revol

38、ution so that the poor people can receive rescues. Accordingly, Dickens has been defined as “the founder and the greatest representative in British socialist literature” by some scholars in China. Chen Ting “Charles Dickens”( Liaoning People Publishing 1982 )In Oliver Twist, good and evil are everyw

39、here. Developing in clash and making a clear contrast, good and evil are the two opposite sides in humanity. But in general, the evil will never be prosperous, and virtue will be successful for ever. The novel, Oliver Twist just wants to reveal the moral principles. At the end of it, different chara

40、cters gain their different destiny. Their fates present themselves in two different ways, that is, the Fagin gangs miserable end and the Twist gangs perfect end. In Fagins gang, Fagin is hanged, which can be seen as a most tragic end. Of course, his fate is decided by his most evil crimes. As for Si

41、kes, he is shot to death because of his attempting to escape when is arrested. Maybe this man is the most irritable one of all the thieves. His personality makes even Fagin to be afraid of him. Then, what about Nancy? She is the most controversial character in the novel. She is brought up by Fagin a

42、nd she is also a member of the gang. But when she encounters Twist, she begins to change. She tries her best to explore the angel side of her personality and makes all her efforts to help the poor orphan. What she has done damaged the benefits of her gang, so finally, she is cruelly killed. How abou

43、t Jack Dawkins and Tom? Justice cant let them go. They are finally put in prison. On the contrary, the Oliver gang all take an excellent end, especially, Olivier Twist himself. He is adopted by a gentleman who is his fathers best friend and lives near his aunty. So there cannot be such a good ending

44、 any more. Fagin is the main character to be discussed in the paper, and also he is a key role in the novel. Dickens meticulouslyportrays a Fagin with broken-up personality who is both normal and crazy at times .That is,in daily life, he is a lively old man, but he is a devil when connected with mon

45、ey and desire. In fact, he is a rebel of British social order and a chief criminal who forces the weak to step on the criminal road, and also an output of British corrupt reality. Although he is evil, he is also weak when encounteringthe more powerful forces. He has a dual personality and many diffe

46、rent faces prepared for different people. He is cruel and evil in appearance. But what does it look like in his inner world? Everyoneshould be responsible for what he does, though there must be reasons for him do the thing. However, even criminals are not bad from head to feet. They still have the k

47、ind side or something thats worth pity. So we should try our best to look at people and things dialectically. Thus we can have a more comprehensive and objective understanding about everything. So in this thesis, an in-depth analysis of the image of Fagin, the key character in the novel will be give

48、n out, through his dual personality, his different faces to different people, and then probe into his inner world. Only in this way, the figure will be made clear before readers.This paper consists of five main parts : Chapter One Fagin with Dual Personality , Chapter Two Fagin with Two Face , Chapter three REASONS For HIS TRAGIC FATE, Chapter Four Conclusion . 12.12 Fagin of Cruelty and EvilDickens meticulously portrayed a personality-divided f

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