1、 XX大学毕业论文(设计)开题报告外语系 经贸英语 专业( 本科 ) 2004 级 英语一班课题名称:An Analysis of Jane Eyres Character毕业论文(设计)起止时间:2008年3 月24 日5 月15 日(共8周)学生姓名: 学号:指导教师: XX 报告日期: 2008年4月5日 1本课题所涉及的问题在国内(外)的研究现状综述 十九世纪中期,英国伟大的女性存在主义先驱,即著名作家夏洛蒂勃朗特创作出了她的代表作-,以对一位“灰姑娘”式人物的奋斗史的刻画而取胜,在当时轰动了整个文坛,在这部作品问世之后的一个半世纪的今天,它仍然拥有广大的读者,而根据小说改编的电影则荣
2、获奥斯卡金像奖。一直以来,作家,评论家对它的热情不减。 该书出版当时已经驰名文坛的萨克雷在写给出版这本书的出版公司的编辑的信上说:“简爱使我非常感动、非常喜爱。请代我向作者致意和道谢,她的小说是我能花好多天来读的第一本英国小说。” 西敏寺评论评价本书说:“肯定是这一季度的最佳小说值得仔仔细细地读第二遍。” 简爱还被评论家誉为“比50部特罗洛普、50部狄更斯和其他人的小说加在一起还更有价值的”,也是一本女人必读书。 马克思也曾将简爱作者与狄更斯、萨克雷列在一起给予高度评价,称他们“向世界揭示了政治的和社会的真理”。 在卓新平著的世界宗教与宗教学中简爱亦被称为是“在19世纪文学作品中与基督教圣经有
3、密切关系的典范。” 卡耐基在评论文学名著简爱时说:“财大气粗、性情怪癖的庄园主罗切斯特怎么会爱上出身寒微、地位低下而又其貌不扬的家庭教师简爱了呢?因为简爱自信自尊,富有人格的魅力。简爱这个艺术形象之所以能够震撼和感染一代又一代各国读者的心灵,正是主人公以自信和自尊为人生的支柱,以善良和勇敢为基点,才使得自己的人格魅力得以充分展现。” 但同时也有些评论文章攻击简爱这部作品,例如每季评论就说它“趣味低劣”,还指出“正是在滋养了宪章运动的那种思想情绪的推动下才写出了简爱这样的书”。 现在,研究者从各个方面分析简爱性格中的反叛面以及其形成原因,人们从简爱身上看到了当今新女性的形象,自尊,自重,自立和自
4、强。而作品中所倡导的女性追求自主自强的精神在当今社会仍然具有深刻的影响,此外,研究者还把简爱同世界文学中的其他女性形象,例如苔丝,嘉丽,安娜卡列尼娜进行比较。目前,研究者的研究方向主要包括: 1.简爱的性格特征及具体表现: 1)不甘受辱,为获得平等和自由而抗争 2)为自己的生存权利和人格的独立而奋斗 3)挑战不公平的社会,藐视伪善,邪恶的上流社会 4)渴求兴趣相同的爱情,执着追求平等和幸福的生活 2.简爱的形象表达了丰富的妇女解放思想。研究者从三个方面来分析这一点,主要内容包括: 1)先进的婚姻观.作者通过简爱对待婚姻的态度表达了婚姻应该建立在爱情的基础上,而 是建立在地位和财产的基础上这一点
5、 2)独立的思想.简爱具有强烈的独立意识,她始终要求靠自己工作而自食其力 3)对简爱外貌的反传统描写,通过这一描写,作家强调女人的内在美胜过外在美,夏洛蒂的这种女人美丑观至今对于女性认识自身的价值仍然具有教育意义。 3.简爱与罗切斯特之间的爱情:简爱与罗切斯特的恋爱经历,是全书的主要情节之一,研究 者认为通过这个情节,作者深化了简爱的性格特征,突出了她在追求个人幸福中所表现出异乎寻常的纯真,朴实的思想感情,简钟情于罗切斯特是因为简认为他一点也不高傲,能够平等待人,有生活经验,再次看到他有改正错误的愿望和决心,凡此种种,都清楚的反映一个来自社会下层的觉醒中的新女性,在反抗社会压迫和偏见的同时,是
6、如何为争取经济上的独立,道德上的纯洁而努力的。 4.简爱所表现的社会内容:研究者认为简爱对英国资产阶级社会所进行的揭露和批判,是相当广泛深刻的。小说还从爱情,婚姻,家庭的角度揭露了资产阶级社会的有力批判,而对于当时英国教育制度的弊端进行了深刻的批判则主要集中在对劳伦渥德寄宿学校的描写上。2本人对课题任务书提出的任务要求及实现预期目标的可行性分析 课题任务:仔细研读小说简爱,理清小说的历史环境与社会背景,熟悉该小说女主人公简爱的成长与奋斗历程,把握住简爱的主要性格特征,并围绕着简爱人生中的几个重要转折点,突出描写它们对简爱性格造成的影响,进而阐述出简爱的性格特征,如自尊,自主,善良, 勇敢, 叛
7、逆,反抗,追求精神上的自由与平等,追求真正意义上完整的爱情,等等。 可行性分析:利用图书馆、网络等工具,阅读各类相关专著和期刊杂志,搜集到国内外学术界的资料,通过所查阅到的文献信息以及自己对小说的理解,剖析出故事女主人公简爱的主要性格,再通过总结和分析,拟定论文大纲。合理调整论文内容的结构安排,并采用举例等论证方法来分别阐述简爱的几大主要性格特征,进而将论文详尽化,条理化。由此拟定初稿。进而翻阅大量详细资料,并在指导老师的评阅与改正下,完善论文,形成定稿。3本课题需要重点研究的、关键的问题及解决的思路 本课题重点研究的问题: 1.简爱的反叛性格和其形成原因 2.简爱的主要性格特点 3简爱的艺术
8、形象与现实意义 解决思路:熟读并精读小说简爱,结合小说创作背后的历史环境与社会背景,并通过翻阅大量的文献资料,厘清简爱人生中的几大转折点,并从中了解到简爱的反叛性格形成的原因,进而形成对简爱的几大主要性格取向的理解,用举例论述详尽其性格特点,又能通过举例不断发现并领悟到其新的人格魅力,譬如对爱情的执著以及追求完整意义上的爱情等等,分析总结出她的形象特征,进而结合现实,体会她对现代女性造成的影响。4完成本课题所必须的工作条件(如工具书、实验设备或实验环境条件、某类市场调研、计算机辅助设计条件等等)及解决的办法 所需工作条件:中国文学期刊杂志;图书馆书籍;网络等 解决办法:利用图书馆、网络等工具,
9、阅读各类相关专著和期刊杂志,搜集到国内外学术界的资料,通过所查阅到的文献信息以及自己对小说的理解,剖析出故事女主人公简爱的主要形象特征以及该形象的现实意义。5完成本课题的工作方案及进度计划 2008.3.1-2008.3.5 确定论文命题。 2008.3.6-2008.3.20 利用图书馆及数据库收集各种文献资料。 2008.3.21-2008.4.5 完成资料收集、文献综述和开题报告的写作,完成毕业论文三级提纲。 2008.4.6-2008.4.15 调整论文内容的结构安排,进行初步研究和初稿写作。 2008.4.16-2008.4.21 通过指导老师的修改,完善初稿形成二稿。 2008.4
10、.22-2008.5.11 继续根据指导老师的意见以及新的资料完善二稿,形成三稿。 2008.5.12-2008.5.21 完成文献综述等其他与论文有关的材料撰写要求,论文的打印装订,准备答辩6指导教师审阅意见指导教师(签字): 年 月 日7指导小组意见 指导小组组长(签字): 院(系)(签章) 年 月 日 课题名称:An Analysis of Jane Eyres CharacterContentsAbstract.iI. Introduction.1II. The Analysis of Jane Eyres Character.5 2.1 Jane Eyre Was a Kind-he
11、arted Girl Who Was Full of Goodness and Forgiveness in the Cockles of Her Heart.5 2.2 Braveness and Adamancy Also Belonged to Janes Virtues, and Because of Those Merits, Jane Was Traitorous and She Dared to Rebel against All the Unfair Sufferings.7 2.3 Jane Was Courageous in Vindicating Independent
12、Personality and Self-esteem, Pursuing Spiritual Freedom and Human Equality.11 2.4 Janes Love Was Pure and Sincere, and She Endeavored to Pursue Ideal Love All Along.15IV. Conclusion.21Bibliography.26 Abstract The famous novel Jane Eyre is the magnum opus of Charlotte Bronte who was a criticism compo
13、ser in the metaphase of the 19th century. At that time, the novel stirred the whole literary world and up to now, the influence of the novel still exists. As is known, The Victoria Times was men-centered and men-controlled times. However, the ahead-of-age female consciousness and the indomitable cha
14、racter of Jane Eyre challenged mens authority. Jane Eyre was a marvelous girl who was independent and adamant, she never yielded to the hard life, and she was courageous to bid defiance to all the difficulties. Also she was brave in sticking up for independent personality, pursuing spiritual freedom
15、 and protesting human equality. Even in the modern society, Janes spirit is still worth learning, especially her self-esteem, independent consciousness and rebellious spirit. As a modern female, we should have our own independent personality, build up our own philosophy towards life and create our o
16、wn living values without relying on others, just like Jane. The essay aims to make an analysis of Jane Eyres character from the aspects of psychology, language, mentality and action.Key Words: personality; volition; spirit; disservice; discrimination; resist; self-esteem; freedom; equality with men;
17、 clinging love 著名的小说是19世纪中期英国批判主义作家夏洛蒂博朗特的代表作,当时轰动了整个文坛,直到现在这部作品的影响犹在。众所周知,维多利亚时代是以男人为中心,男权至上的时代,但是作者夏洛蒂博朗特笔下女主人公简爱超前的女性意识以及不善屈服的性格挑战了男性权威。她勇敢,坚强,从不屈服于艰辛的生活,并且她敢于向所有的困难宣战,敢于维护独立人格,敢于追求精神自由及主张人性平等。即便在现代社会,简爱的精神依然值得借鉴,特别是她的自尊自主,独立意识以及反抗精神。作为一名现代女性,我们应该如同简爱一样拥有独立的人格,建立自己的人生观,以及创造我们自己的生存价值,而非依赖别人。本文将主要从
18、心理,语言,思想,行为等方面对简爱的形象进行剖析。 关键词:人格; 意志; 精神; 虐待; 歧视; 反抗; 自尊; 自由; 与男人平等; 执著的爱IIntroduction The novel Jane Eyre is an autobiographical saga novel, which has been described as “the first modern novel, the first to envelop the life of a plain ordinary woman with romance”.1 The author Charlotte Bronte adopt
19、ed the descriptive method of the first person, and she interwove her own experiences closely with the heroines(杨建民, 2006), and in this great works, she let the female protagonistJane Eyre confide her own joyance and soreness; philosophy and ideality; love and friendship, which made the opus possess
20、approachable and smooth-spoken artistic charm, and so that the reader can enter the world of Jane Eyre at the first hand. The novel is primarily a love story and a romance where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. (堵军, 2004) The author successfully depicted the struggling history o
21、f the heroineJane Eyre, whose pathetic status was quite alike with Cinderella in the fairy tale. Jane Eyre was an orphan, her parent went out when she was very young, and when she become a parentless infant, she was taken by Mr. Reedher own uncle to his own house; and that in his last moments he had
22、 required a promise of Mrs. Reed that she would rear and maintain Jane as one of her own children. However, Mrs. Reed didnt keep her promise. Jane was treated badly as a ragtag there. Finally, Jane was intolerable to the life there and she defied her aunt, the consequence of her rebellious action wa
23、s that, she was sent to Lowood Orphanage. She spent eight years there, six she gained knowledge as a pupil and two as a teacher. During the eight years, she tried to make friends, to earn respect and win affection. However, she didnt get what she had been expectingsimply being regarded as a common p
24、erson, just the same as any other girl around, but the sufferings from being humiliated and devastated taught her to be persevering and courageous over anything else. As a result of revolting the ruthless oppression and bald routine there, Jane got a chance to be a governess to a little French girl
25、in Thornfield through advertising. There she made acquaintance of lovely Adele and the owner of ThornfieldMr. Rochester, who was a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Mr. Rochester once abandoned himself in many countries, seeking rest in exile: happiness in the heartless sensual pleasu
26、re, such as dulls intellect and blights of feeling. Heart-weary and soul-withered impelled him come home after years of voluntary banishment.(Bronte, 2003:217) Along with in-depth acquaintance, Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate h
27、ad decided otherwise. When they stepped into the church and held their wedding, a man turned up, he told the truth that Mr. Rochester had a legal wife who had been mad for several years and then shutting up in the top attic of Thornfield. The man was just the mad ladys brother. Their marriage couldn
28、t be admitted by the law. Then Jane knew that Rochesters original wife was the shadow following Mr. Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time, and she did want to give Rochester a hand. However, she didnt want to betray her own principles, so she refused to be his mistress, and she made up her
29、 mind to leave Thornfield and begin her new existence in a new and strange environment. Then she left without enough money, so the coach man had to set her down at a place called Whitcross. There she nearly died of hunger and lack of shelter. She was finally helped by a missionary called Mr. St John
30、 and his two kind-hearted sisters. She made friends with them and she found a new job as a teacher. It was subsequently found that Jane was related to the three kind-hearted peoples family, as their mother was Janes fathers sister. What is more unexpected was that, Jane found that she still had a ri
31、ch uncle. When her uncle passed away, leaving her his entire fortunea large amount of money, she divided it equally with her three cousins, Mr. St John and his two sisters and she prepared to lead a close and affectionate life with the new family unit. Mr. St John thought that Jane would be suitable
32、 to be a missionarys wife, so he asked Jane to marry him, but Jane refused. And finally she decided to return to Thornfield. On her way back, she learnt that after she left, the mad lady set fire to the house and then committed herself. The Thornfield Hall became ash and in order to save her, Mr. Ro
33、chester lost one of his arms and became blind. Jane didnt dislike and avoid him for the reason of his disabilities, she chose to stay with him forever. At the end of the story, Jane married to Rochester and they led a happy life from then on. It seems as if Janes Fortunes wheel was always doomed wit
34、h frustration and crucifixion. She is wan and scrubby, with no beauty found in her body, and also she is a forsaken and poor girl with no status in the society at that time, and she was even discriminated and teased everywhere. Such an effeminate girl appeared to undergo all the adversities. The God
35、 seemed to chasten this larruping girl by design. Therefore she was not endowed with beautiful appearance, sweet voice and high social status, on the contrary, she was delivered with a good many tribulations in her life and setbacks in her body and mind. According to we readers points of view, life
36、to Jane was not a joy of life, but an anneal of spirit and will. And we believe that if another girl stood in Janes position in the Victoria Times, the girl may drop the hope of life for the reason that she couldnt bear the hardship, or she may contort her personality in the influence of others assi
37、milation. Jane made an exception, she was a miracle, and she was not bankrupt in her confidence towards life because of the miseries she had encountered. Instead, when successive difficulties befell to Jane, she put a bold front on all the lurches and sufferings and she envisaged and confronted the
38、relentless world perversely.(堵军,2004: 121) Just as the old saying goes, when God close a door for you, in the vicinity, he will open a window for you. God is fair, although he created the miserable fate of Jane, he endued Jane with larruping temperament, brave heart and steely will, how precious the
39、se are to a female. Jane Eyre was such a girl who was independent and adamant, she never yielded to the hard life, and she was courageous to bid defiance to all the difficulties. And also she was brave in sticking up for independent personality, pursuing spiritual freedom and protesting human equali
40、ty. The image of Jane had been attracting numerous readers with the power of the aesthetic feeling taken on in her spirit and morality. What is more, Jane set a good example to countless women, and made the females all around the world obtain the essence of love and edification of life. Even in the
41、modern society, Janes spirit is still worth learning, especially her self-esteem and independent consciousness. In my opinion, these two merits are the foundation stone of all other virtues. We modern females should learn from Jane, enrich our heart and create our own values, to be self-respectable,
42、 to be independent and to be inner-directed. This essay will make an analysis of the character of Jane Eyre from many aspects, such as psychology, language, mentality and action.II. The analysis of Jane Eyres Character2.1 Jane Eyre Was a Kind-hearted Girl Who Was Full of Goodness and Forgiveness in
43、the Cockles of Her Heart Nobody can deny that Jane Eyre was kind-hearted and charitable. For instance, when Mr. Rochester told Jane that the little French girl Adele was actually an illegitimate offspring of a French opera-girl who had been his mistress once before, he thought that Jane Eyre would c
44、hange her attitude towards the pathetic orphan, think differently of the little girl and look down upon her, but in fact, Jane Eyre clung closer to her and gave her more love than before. Another example can attest Jane Eyres benevolence was that although Mrs. Reed treated her badly in her childhood, when she was in her last moment, Jane Eyre forgot all the vices she had suffered from Mrs. Reed and still went back to the gruesome place to look
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