1、目录I. 概述:英语戏剧节的魅力II. 英语戏剧节徽标设计 III. 英语戏剧节小报IV. 部分优秀剧本案例(附参演学生感悟)初中部部分优秀剧本1. Little Women2. Three Times Beating Monster3. Cinderella4. The Snow White5. Tom Sawyer Paint The Fence6. Hannah Montana7. Qu Yuan8. Women Can Do Better9. The Magic Ring10. Fire Services高中部部分优秀剧本 1. Jing Ke Tries to Assassinate
2、 Emperor The king of Qin2. Tang bohu and Qiu Xiang3. Kung Fu Panda4. Sherlock5. The Wizard of OZ6. Harry Potter & The Magic Stone 7. The Big Bang 8. RoseVII. 指导教师感悟英语戏剧节的魅力在我们开展的拓展型课程中,英语戏剧节是一个重头戏。英语戏剧教育以它独特的艺术形式对学生各方面的英语学习起到了不可忽视的作用。英语戏剧对于培养学生整体团队意识、演讲口才、心理素质等方面都起到了至关重要的作用。英语戏剧表演对学生的影响是深远的。可以从三方面来讲
3、:1。增强学生的文化常识。通过对一些经典作家作品的演绎,如莎士比亚、艾伦、韦伯、狄更斯等,让学生对不同的故事、不同的人物有所掌握,提高他们对生活的感知,培养学生热爱生活、尊敬师长、勤奋好学的精神。 2。提高学生听说能力。通过对戏剧作品的不断演练,学生对不同作品有了不同的看法观点,往往感到有话要说,有话要讲,交流欲强烈。3。课后为学生提供大量的练习机会 。在话剧表演的过程中,学生对戏剧作品中的人物特征、时代背景的了解来结合各自的理解,会提高学生理解问题、处理问题的能力,同时面对观众,可以提高学生的口语表达、演讲的能力。举办戏剧节的效果是显而易见的。英语戏剧节活动的目的是要跨越课堂教学的局限、让英
4、语回归生活;活跃师生、生生之间的人际关系;给学生搭建创意的舞台、提供创意的空间;给校园增添人文气息。从英语剧本的创意编写,角色的塑造与刻画,道具服装的创意设计,学生们享受的是创作的过程。老师组织,挑选剧本,人人参与,班级选拔,年级展演,全校汇演,英语戏剧节表演俨然已经成为七一校园的一大风景线,成为了学生展示才华的舞台,也是师生们的英语嘉年华。我们觉得通过英语戏剧可以也可以对学生进行全方面的培养,包括激发学生的学习热情、树立自信心、健全品格性格、培养团队合作精神和创作精神等等。 戏剧节徽标在戏剧节宣传阶段,组织学生进行徽标设计,并在全校对作品展示及评选。此外组织各班学生对戏剧节标志进行投票。通过
5、对标志的欣赏,培养学生的审美情趣,拓宽创意思维的思路。其徽标。每一届的戏剧节徽标设计中,总会涌现许多学生经过精心设计的作品,其中第一届徽标设计中一幅佳作被评为静安区首届英语戏剧节徽标设计一等奖并作为徽标设计要求 1) 体现“走进经典戏剧、传播精品文化;感悟语言魅力、展示静安风采。”的主题。 2) 有创意,构图新颖、简洁、醒目,具有较强的视觉感染力。3) 标志图案色彩搭配适当,图案、文字、符号等组合协调统一。 在首届“静安学生英语戏剧节”徽标设计活动中,我校八(4)班高怡览同学和六(1)班秦佳音同学的作品从二十份候选作品中脱颖而出,分获一等奖和三等奖。其中,高怡览同学的“合作 演绎”设计被组委会
6、最终采用,确定为静安首届学生演绎戏剧节徽标。 作品简介:这个标志中,戏化为了两个人形,象征着青春阳光的学生通过合作沟通共同演绎戏剧,图案简单明了,造型夸张,笔触模仿了书法的形状,富有中国韵味。历届英语戏剧节徽标作品展示 首届“英语戏剧节”The first Students English Drama Festival 剧目展演Drama Performances 剧院魅影 The Phantom of the Opera 高二(4) 班 高二(2) 班 高一 (4)班 音乐之声 The Sound of Music 高一 (2)班哈姆雷特 Hamlet 高一(1)班绿野仙踪 The Wiza
7、rd of OZ 高二 (3)班跳跳羊 Boundin 高二 (1)班三个火枪手 The Three Musketeers 高一 (3)班May 13th , 2011 Sept, 2011 In May,2011, the first Students English Drama Festival began in Qi Yi High School Affiliated to Tongji University. In poster design competitions, each class has presented their stage repertoire designed p
8、osters to express their full confidence in performance. And in the preparation process, each class of students and instructors devoted their spare time to rehearsing repertoires. On the stage, the students presented the classic English works with the content of scripts. Their performing was vivid an
9、d moving, articulate and beautiful, reflecting the healthy subject. It was the overall reflection of the students full of enthusiasm for learning English and versatile integrated quality. by the students due to its lively form of expression and it received a positive response and enthusiastic partic
10、ipation in the campus. The activities not only gave the students the stage to show their abilities, but also lead the students to broaden their horizons into the world culture, and improve cultural literacy. The students put the language learning into dramatic form, giving the language more vitality
11、 and making it more attractive to study, greatly enhanced the students interest in learning English, and promoted the diversification of life, creating a good English learning environment and campus culture. A speech made by Mr. Chou on the closing ceremony of the school English drama festival: Good
12、 morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am so glad to have all of you here to enjoy our English dramas. Being told I would be expected to talk here, I had a few things in my mind which I had often longed to tell the young. My young friends, I must tell you that I am so proud of you. You have shown you pot
13、ential creativity. You have made so many interesting props. And of course, I like your nice clothes. Maybe you cant imagine how perfect you are when you are on the stage. You are not real actors and actresses, but you have given better shows. 初中部优秀剧本Little Women八年级 2班 指导教师 张黎Characters:Meg (Mg): 16,
14、 the oldest girl in the March familyJo (J): 15, likes reading and writing, full of energyBeth (B): 13, a shy girl but very kind and helpfulAmy (A): 11, the youngest girlMrs. March (M): a mother of four girls, raises the whole family on her own and always worries about her husband at the warLaurie (L
15、): the Marches neighbor, lives with his grandfather, a very warm-hearted boyDoctor (D): tires his best to cure Beth, but fails at lastThe Hummel family (H): a poor family, the four sisters help them a lotAct OneJ: Christmas wont be Christmas without any presents.Mg: Its so awful to be poor!A: Its no
16、t right for some girls to have pretty things, and others to have nothing at all.B: But weve got Father and Mother, and each other.J: We havent got Father. Hes away at the war.Everyone drops into silence.(The doorbell rings)A: Mums back!M: Girls, Ive got a letter from Father!All the girls: Let me see
17、! Let me see!M: (reads the letter)Give them all my love and a kiss. I think of them very much. I know they will be loving children, and that when I come back, I will be prouder than ever of my little women. A: Im selfish, but Ill try to be better.Mg: We all will! I think too much about the way I loo
18、k, and hate to work, but I wont any more.J: And Ill try to be more polite, and not be rough and wild.B: Ill be more hard-working.M: These words are the best Christmas presents for me!Act TwoFour girls: Merry Christmas, Mum!M: Merry Christmas, little daughters! (Sighs) Girls, listen. Not far away is
19、a poor woman, Mrs. Hummel. Her sixchildren are in one bed, trying to keep warm, as they have no wood for a fire. Will you give them your breakfast as a Christmas present?J: Mum, Im glad that you told us this before we began to eat!M: I knew you would do it.The girls quickly put their breakfast in a
20、basket and visit the Hummels. Mrs. Hummel and her children cry with happiness and say hundreds of “Thank you” to the girls.Act ThreeL: (Hurries into the room with a telegram in his hand) Mrs. March, you should read this!M: Thanks, Laurie.Mrs. March reads and drops the telegram to the floor. Four gir
21、ls: Whats the matter, Mum?M: Girls, your Father is very ill. I shall go at once. But it may be too late. Oh,my children! Wheres Laurie?L: Here! Let me do something!M: Send a telegram and say Ill come at once. Now I have to go to Aunt March.I hope she will be kind enough to lend me some money for the
22、 journey.Everyone is busy preparing for the journey. Jo leaves home alone quietly.(Late in the afternoon)Mg: Where is Jo?J: (From outdoors) I am here. (Gives an envelope to Mrs. March) Mum, thats to help make Father comfortable and to bring him home.M: Twenty-five dollars! My dear, where did you get
23、 it?Jo takes off her hat.A: Your hair, your beautiful hair!Mg: Jo, how could you?M: My dear girl, there was no need for this.B: (In tears) She doesnt look like my Jo, but I love her dearly for doing it!J: Dont cry, Beth. I wanted to do something for Father, and selling my hair was the only thing I c
24、ould think of doing.Mrs. March hugs her daughters and leaves home in a hurry. Act FourBeth visits the Hummels and comes back home very late. She doesnt feel well and has a rest in an armchair.J: Whats the matter, Beth?B: I dont know, Jo. Sometimes I feel very hot, but sometimes I feel coldJ: (Look u
25、p the books) Sometimes hot, sometime coldOh, dear! Beth catches a scarlet fever!Mg: Let me fetch the doctor at once! (Hurries out)The doctor arrives.D: (Examines Beth) Miss March, your sister is seriously ill. If Mrs. March can leave her husband, I think she should come home now.B: (Holds out a hand
26、 to Jo) Meg, Meg, dont tell Mum. Shes busy taking care ofDad. I feel better now.Mg: Well deal with this, Beth. Dont worry!L: (Rushes into the room with a smile on his face) Good news for you! Ive got a letter from your mother. She says that your father is getting better and maybe shell come back in
27、a day or two.Girls look at each other without saying a word.L: Jo, why are you so unhappy? What is it?J: Beths got a scarlet fever. She doesnt know us any more. (Starts weeping)L: Anything I can do for you?Mg: Would you please take Amy to Aunt Marchs house? I dont want her to catch the fever.A: No!
28、Let me stay to do something helpful!D: Your sisters are right, Amy. I think Beth doesnt hope to give the fever to you, either.L: Dont cry, Amy. I promise to bring you Beths news every day.A: All right then.Laurie takes Amy to Aunt Marchs house.J: (Looks at Beth sadly) Poor Beth! Shes so kind and uns
29、elfish. And shes always trying to make home a happy place.Mg: (Hugs Jo) Yes. God wont be so cruel that he takes our little Beth away from us.(The doorbell rings)Mg: (Opens the door) Oh, Mum. Im so glad youre back.M: Laurie sent me a telegram saying that Beth is ill. Where is she?(Hurries to the bed)
30、 Beth, my poor little daughter! How is she now, Doctor?D: (Exams Beth and shakes his head) Sorry, I can do nothing.B: (Wakes up and sees Mrs. March) Mum! Am I dreaming? M: (Holds Beths hand) Im here, Beth. How do you feel now?B: Just a little tired. I need to rest for a little bit longer.M: Have a g
31、ood rest then, my dear.B: Good night, Mum.Beth closes her eyes and dies.M: Shes dead.Mrs. March and the girls burst into tears.Act FiveAnother Christmas is coming. After visiting the Hummels, Mrs. March and her three daughters sit together around the fire.J: A year ago we were complaining about the
32、awful Christmas we expected to have, do you remember?A: Its been a hard year. Im glad its over.Mg: We lose Beth. Thats really hurt.M: Our little angel is always with us, Meg. Well never forget her.J: (Takes out a book) Mum, Ive written out our story and the book has been published.M: Is that real? (
33、Takes the book from Jo) “Little Women” Oh Jo, Im so proud of you!I think your father will be proud of you, too.J: I wish Beth could see my book, too.M, Mg &A:Yes, she could!在英语戏剧节中 我们代表八(2)晨曦中队给大家表演了little women的选段 是一个讲述美国南北战争中 普通人家中四个姐妹的故事 虽然演技并不成熟英语也不是最流畅但是让我们好好的过了一把当演员的瘾 也在排练的过程中变得团结 默契更足 还让我们深刻领
34、会到了英语的魅力。在平时的英语课上,我们对着书本朗诵,而在英语戏剧节中 我们体验了英语别样的乐趣,发挥着夸张的演技在舞台上仿佛熠熠生辉,从中使得我们变得更自信,在收获快乐的同时收获着知识。我们希望英语戏剧节能一届届的办下去,让我们学生在放松的同时增加才干,在学习的同时得到成长。Three Times Beating Monster八(5)班 指导教师 付朝云人物:T:唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒片头音乐:敢问路在何方 前奏/婚礼进行曲T: Emitofo,do you know where we are
35、now?S: Bajie,map!E: (take out,pass to S)S: Look, master (get approach T)(T、S turn together to E)T: Bajie! How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!E: Oh, master! Forgive me (held out his hand, want to get back)T: (withdraw his hand) Ill keep it for you
36、until we reach the westE: ButT: EmitofoT/S/E/J: Nothing is lust, lust is nothing!T: Map?E: (pass) Here. Em we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain! Ah, I cant walk on any more! (set down) My stomach doesnt allow so. S: Fat Pig!E: Monkey, if you dare to say these two words once again, I will ,I will.
37、S: You will what (fiercely)?E: (flinch) I will help you catch fleas.S: Hm!T: (cough)Wukong, factually, I am a bit hungry. Could you go to get me some food?E: You see , master is hungry, too!J: TOO!T: Baijie! Dont forget who ate my last meal!J: But master, if a monster comes while brother monkey is a
38、wayT: Em.It is a problem. Wukong, do you have any idea?S: No problem!(set up)(B is peeping nearby)E: This is?S: Electric net! I have learnt the energy of electricity from masters books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it!T: EmWukong, you are becoming more and more scientif
39、ic! Emitofo, knowledge is power!E/S/J: POWER!S: Bye!(get away)T: Lets play cards! (Three people starts to playing cards)音乐:斗地主 背景音效 B: Hm! Hm! Electric net? You are too childish.(turn into B1)E: (look at B1)Oh, sexy lady (fall down)B1: (get close,share at)Can I join you?E: Join us! Join us!T: Im sor
40、ry, lady. We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough.B1: (watching nearby) Oh, Chance! Bomb!音效:炸弹T: Bomb? (take out)B1: Double King!T: Oh.I win! Em,Lady, you are a master-hand. Come in and teach me! (decide to open the electric net)S: (come back,see B1)Oh, monster!(go ahead
41、 and beat)B1: (fall down)AhT: (angry) Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!E: You killed a sexy lady.S: She is a monster!T: Nonsense!S: Oh,please dontT: Its too late! Oba gangnam style!Eh- Sexy Lady音乐:Gangnam StyleS: Please, Please, oh,no(hug his own head with pain)T: (chock and cough) Wuk
42、ong, Im disappointed with you!B: (turn to his real figure) Hm! Sun Wukong, Ill teach you a lesson!(turn into B2)B2: Hello,have you seen my daughter?T: Daughter?.(hurriedly )No, sorry!(ahaha,B2 want to look back,T block in front of it)S: (fiercely)You monster, Ill beat you into hell!(S beat B2,B2 hid
43、e behind T,S knock down T at his head,T fall down,S beat B2)E&J: Are you Ok, master? (help T)J: Look,(raise a finger)how many?T: Two.(dizzy)Sun Wukong, game over!(turn into B3)B3: (see the compose of B1, B2) Oh.,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!(cry)S: Ill kill you, monster! (knock)T: (want to avoi
44、d)You, you.(nearly dizzy,E,J hold on )You have killed three lives!S: No, they are not human beings! They are created by monster!T: Monster? You are a real monster! Never let me see you, go!S: (go with sadness)音乐:人鬼情未了E: Master, brother Monkey is.T: Scratch! Dont mention that guy any more!B: (appear) Ha, ha, ha! (threes dead persons go away after the gesture)T: Enh?E: Ahahahahah!B: Wait!E/B: Paper Scissors Stone! (E is beaten down, so is J)音效:拳皇游戏“round 1”“round 2”“K.O”T: (shock)You are.B: How foolish you are , Mr Tang!B: (catch T)Ill enjoy your meat and blood, ha, ha.T:
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