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1、英语教师招聘考试教案设计高中教案Healthy eating【教学重点】 1Get students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit.2Develop students ability to solve problems.【教学难点】 Get students to turn what they have learned into their ability.【教学目标】 1知识目标 Get students to go over the useful new words and expressions

2、 in this unit. Have students review the new grammar item: the use of ought to.2能力目标 Develop students ability to use the important language points in this unit. Enable students to learn to use ought to correctly.3情感目标 Encourage students to learn more about problems with diet, a balanced diet and nutr

3、ition. Stimulate students sense to have a balanced diet. Strengthen students sense of group cooperation.【教学过程】 1Step 1-Revision Check the homework exercises. Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.2Step 2-Lead-inTell students:Up to now,we have finished Unit 2 Healthy eating.Have

4、you learned and grasped all in this unit?Turn to Page 16.You can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the part Summing Up.3Step 3-Summing UpFive minutes for students to summarize what they have learned in this unit by themselves. Then check and explain something where necessary.Suggested answe

5、rs:Write down what you have learned about festivals around the world.(Studentsanswer may vary.)We have learned about problems with diet,balanced diet and nutrition.From this unit you have also learned:useful verbs: diet, balance, barbecue, roast, fry, ought, slim, lie, consult, digest, glare, spy, l

6、imit, benefit, combinephrasal verbs: ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win back, earn ones living, cut down, put on weightuseful nouns: diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, bacon, curiosity, hostess, vinegar, lie, custom

7、er, discount, weakness, strength, fibre, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, benefit, breast, garlic, sighuseful adjectives: roast, slim, raw, limitedother useful expressions: balanced diet, in debt, before longnew grammar item: the use of ought to4Step 4-PracticeShow the exercises on the scree

8、n or give out exercise papers. First let students do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary. Word spelling: The child couldnt keep his bon his new bicycle. He is full of c. He is not senough to wear these tight trousers. The restaurant offer

9、s a healthy dand is full of cevery day. The old model workers rich experience is not to be d. I havent the s to lift this table. If you dont understand the definition of a word, you can c_the dictionary. A five-day weekbmore than individually and economically. The two principal political parties hav

10、e cto form a government. My motherlthe amount of food that I eat. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Use each expression only once and make changes where necessary.ought toget away withearn ones livingcut downbefore longput on weightin debtwin. . . backlose weighttell a lie _ he re

11、turned to his homeland. In order to _, he began to eat more meat. The doctor advised him to _ his consumption of fat. David _ by writing articles for newspapers. He is heavily _. I wont have you _ cheating in the exam. They were determined to _ the seat _ from Labour. He is always _. She _ look afte

12、r her child better. Mary is dieting to _. Translate the following sentences. 我想没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的了。 我看见他正向口袋里装东西。 他昨天一定去游泳了。 大家都对他的设计感到惊讶。 张先生不容许他女儿晚回家。 难道你不认为瘦一点会更好吗? 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。 他们的均衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而咏慧却胖了。Keys for reference: balance curiosity slim diet;customers discounted strength consult ben

13、efits combined limits Before long put on weight cut down earns his living in debt getting away with win . . . back telling lies ought to lose weight I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. I saw him putting something in his bag. He must have gone swimming yesterday. Everybody was amazed at

14、his design. Mr. Zhang wont have his daughter arriving home late. Dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner? Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more w

15、eight.5Step 5-Learning tipAsk students to turn to Page 16. Read through the passage and make sure they understand it. Encourage them to do as the passage tells to because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning and form a good habit.6Step 6-Assessment Checking

16、yourself(on Page 54 in the Workbook)First get students to think about these questions individually. Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary. Testing assessment7Step 7-Homework Finish off exercises on Best

17、English and English Weekly. Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 2.初中教案How often do you exercise?单元名称Unit 1 How often do you exercise?课时安排第一课时教学目标1能够谈论课余时间的活动并谈论做事情的频率。2学习完成任务所需要的语言: 词汇:how often;exercise;skateboard;hardly;ever;shop;once;twice;time;surf;Internet;program 句子:What do you

18、usually do on weekends?I play soccer. What does she do on weekends?She often goes shopping. How often do you exercise?I exercise every day/once a week.I hardly ever exercise. How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV three times a week. 3完成课本第1页1a,1b,1c和第2页2a,2b,2c的教学任务。教学环节突出内容教师活动学生活动导入新课板书标题 单

19、词卡片1Good morning,boys and girls! Today we are going to learn Unit 1 How often do you exercise? (手指板书标题)2Do you know the meaning of exercise?你们知道exercise的含义吗?You are right. Exercise means do sports.S1, do you often exercise? What kind of exercise do you often do? Very good. S2, do you often exercise?

20、 Why not? Then, what do you often do on weekends? Great! I love reading, too. 3Look at this card. What does the boy often do on weekends? Yes. Read after me.skateboard,go skateboarding. Please read it one by one. 1Good morning, Ms/Mr .!2Yes! 锻炼身体!S1: Yes, I do. I play basketball. S2: No, I dont. Im

21、not good at sports. I often do some reading at home. 3He goes skateboarding. skateboard,go skateboarding. 学生们依次读单词和短语。学习 1a1a的图片1Well done! Now please open your textbook and turn to page 1. Look at the picture. Guess. What are the children doing, S1?A good guess. S2, what do you think?I think so. No

22、w lets do 1a. Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities. 现在我们来做1a部分。看图片,列出不同的周末活动。2OK,lets check the answers. Please tell me the answers. 1S1: I think they are having a meeting. S2: I think they are making a survey. 学生们开始在书中写出周末活动。2学生逐一说出答案。 学习1b板书上的短语hardly ever板书中的1b 部分1

23、Well done! Do you often go shopping, girls? What about boys? So you hardly ever go shopping, right?(老师手指着板书上的短语hardly ever) hardly 几乎不,几乎没有;ever 曾经 hardly ever 是几乎从不,几乎不曾的含义。2Now lets look at 1b. 在1b中,有一些表示频率的副词按照频率的高低依次排列。S1, can you read them for us?S2, could you please tell me the meaning of each

24、 word?Quite good!3请同学们看各个频率副词大体上代表的频率比率(手指着板书)。4Then we will listen to the tape and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below. 那么我们将要听录音,将上面图片中代表各个活动的字母a-e写在这些频率副词旁的横线上。For example, what does a stand for?指代那种活动?Right. If you hear I usually go shopping, then you should write down a

25、after usually. Understand?如果你听到了“我常常去购物”, 那你就应该在usually后面的横线上写a. 明白了吗? Lets begin!(播放录音)5Have you got the answers?Who can tell me the answer? S3, please. Very good. 1Girls: Yes! Boys: No!Boys: Right! 2S: 1 Sure! (学生1依次读出单词。)S2: Sure! Always 总是,一直;usually 通常;often 经常; sometimes 有时;hardly ever 几乎从不;ne

26、ver 从不。3学生看板书。4Ss:go shopping. Ss: Yes. 学生听录音完成任务。5S3 读出答案。Always a usually c often e sometimes d hardly ever d never a Pair work 1c突出1a中的大图片。1Lets look at 1c. S1 and S2 , could you read the conversation for us?2Quite good. Lets look at the picture again.S3, What does the girl often do on weekends?

27、(老师手指图片a) Quite good. 3Now please work in pairs and talk about the activities they do on weekends. 下面请同学们两人一组,谈论图片中的人物周末进行哪些活动。4OK! Which pair would like to do first? Please!Good. And this pair, please. . 1S1: What does she do on weekends?S2: She often goes to the movies. 2S3: she often goes shoppin

28、g. 3学生开始练习。例子:S1: What does the girl in a red T-shirt do on weekends?S2: She often does some reading.4S1: What does the boy with red curly hair do on weekends?S2: He often exercises. S3: What do they do on weekends?S4: They often go skateboardingS5: What does the boy with short straight hair do on w

29、eekends? S6: He often watches TV at home. 2 a & 2b突出黑板上three times a month这个短语板书中的once 板书中的twice 1Do you watch TV,S2?How often do you watch TV?当我们回答活动频率的时候,我们需要用到“次数”这个单词 time. It has another meaning. What is it? 它还有一个含义,是什么?Yes. 做时间解释的时候, time 是一个不可数名词;做次数解释的时候, time 是一个可数名词。How can we say “三次”? “五

30、次”?”一个月三次”?“一年10次”?Right.但是我们说“一次”的时候,有一个专门的单词是“once” Read after me, please. Once How can we say “每天一次”?“每年一次”?Good. 两次也有一个专门的单词 twice Read after me. Twice How can we say “每星期二次”?“每月两次”?Right. 3OK.Now open your books at page 2. Look at 2a. Listen. Cheng is talking about how often he does different a

31、ctivities. Number the activities you hear 1-5. 现在请同学们翻开书第二页。看2a部分。程正在谈论他作不同活动的频率。请按照听到的顺序给这些活动按1-5排序。Lets begin. (播放录音2a)4Have you got the answer?Who can tell me the answer?Very good. 5Now we will listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?Match his activities with the number of time

32、s he does them. 我们将再听一边录音,程多久做一次上面的这些活动呢?请将这些活动和频率连线。(播放录音2b)6Please tell me the answer like this: 请这样告诉我答案:Cheng watches TV twice a week. Understand? Excellent! 1S2: Yes. I watch TV three times a week. 2时间!Three times. Five times. Three times a month Ten times a year. OnceOnce a day.Once a year.Twi

33、ce Twice a weekTwice a month 3翻开书。听录音,完成任务。4S4: 3 1 5 4 25听录音,完成活动。6Yes. S1:Cheng goes to the movies once a month. S2: Cheng watches TV twice a week. S3: Cheng shops twice a month. S4: Cheng exercises three times a week. S5: Cheng reads every day. 2c单词卡片(此处共有三张,根据讲解进度逐一突出)突出2c中的表格。1Before we go into

34、 2c, lets learn some new words. 在我们进入2c部分之前,让我们先学习一些单词:(手持单词卡片)Read after me :surf.Can you surf? I think its difficult and dangerous. But maybe exciting. Lets look at the second word: Internet. (手持第二张卡片)Do you know the Internet?What do you often do on the Internet?Yes. We can do many things on the I

35、nternet. But what does surf the Internet mean?(老师将两张卡片并排展示)You are right. Lets look at this word: program Whats your favorite TV program? 2OK. Please look at this form. Here are some activities that we can do. How often do you do them? Write them down.3S3 and S4 Could you please read the conversatio

36、n for us?4Well done! Please work in pairs. Try to know how often your partner does those things and get more information. 下面请二人一组活动。了解你同伴多久做一次这些事情,最好了解更多的信息。5Stop here. Who would like to present your conversation to us?1Surf.No.Yes. Internet. Yes. S1:I get news. S2:I look for some information. S3: I

37、 play games. S4: I listen to the music. S5: I chat with my friends.浏览互联网Animal World. Total Soccer. Lucky 52.Super Girl. Sports game. 2填写表格。33 and S4 read the conversation on the right of the form in 2c. 4学生两人一组对话练习。5S5: How often do you surf the Internet? S6: I surf the Internet twice a week. S5: W

38、hat do you do on the Internet? S6: I read news. And sometimes I listen to music. Sum-mary 板书1See what we have learned today. 看一看我们今天学到了什么。 Read the activities here. OK. 我们怎样提问动作的频率?Yes. And we can use the ways on the blackboard to answer this kind of question. 回答关于频率的问题我们可以采取黑板上出现的这些方式。2S5 Please re

39、ad these words. S6 Read these phrases. . 1学生齐读板书左侧部分。Ss: How often .2S5 reads the things in the middle of the blackboard S6 reads the things on the right. Hom-ework Boys and girls, what do you do on weekends?Could you write a short passage about it and about how often you do them? That is your homew

40、ork after class. 同学们,你们周末做哪些活动呢?请写一篇小段文介绍你的活动和活动频率。这是你们的课后作业。It was nice leaning English with you. Goodbye, everyone. 和你们一起学习英语很愉快。同学们,再见!Bye-bye!板书设计Unit 1 How often do you exercise?SkateboardingAlways usually oftenevery dayShopping100% 80% 30%-50%once a dayReadingsometimes hardly ever nevertwice a

41、 weekExercising20% 5% 0%three times a monthWatching TV 小学教案My birthday【教材分析】本课的核心内容是生日。生日对于学生来说是非常熟悉的。本节课主要是在学生掌握了一定的有关生日的日常用语的基础上,将教学内容进行适当的扩展和延伸,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。【教学目标】1知识目标 能听、说、读、写:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 能熟练运用句型:Whens your b

42、irthday?My birthday is in.2能力目标:利用现代信息技术,培养学生自主学习的能力和利用信息技掌握新知识的能力;发展学生的思维能力和培养学生的创新意识和相互协作意识。3情感目标:创设学习情境,激发学生学习的热情和兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。【教学重点和教学难点】根据本课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合本课的教学目标与学习目标,确定本课的重点、难点。1能听、说、读、写:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.2能熟练运用句型:Whens your birthday? My birthday is in.3通过合作,学生能熟练在网上寻找资料。【教学策略及教法设计】英语课程不仅要提高学生

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