1、The American education system Primary school Secondary school Undergraduate school Graduate school Primary SchoolAlso called elementary school or grammar school Primary School Primary SchoolStudents learn reading,math,science,history,spelling,art and penmanship The class stays together all day and h
2、as one teacher for all of their subjects Primary School Primary SchoolStudents also have recess Primary SchoolStudents eat lunch at schoolPrimary SchoolStudents are picked up and taken home by the school bus Middle SchoolStudents learn reading,math,science,history,vocabulary,writing,music and art Mi
3、ddle SchoolStudents learn reading,math,science,history,vocabulary,writing,music and artBegin to study computer and have P.E.classMiddle SchoolStudents learn reading,math,science,history,vocabulary,writing,music and artBegin to study computer and have P.E.classThe class stays together all day and cha
4、nges rooms for their different teachers Middle SchoolOften students learn to play an instrument or join the school choir Middle schoolMiddle schoolOften students go on school field trips Middle SchoolSchool might require a uniformAbout 20%of schools in America have them High School High School High
5、SchoolStudents learn advanced subjects like math,science,history,economics,speech,music and artEach student has his own schedule and moves to different classrooms for each class High SchoolStudents choose many different electivesArtChoirBandCookingActingDrivers EducationHigh School-SportsBoys Americ
6、an FootballHigh School-SportsBoys SoccerHigh School-SportsGirls VolleyballHigh School-SportsBoth BasketballHigh School-SportsBoth TrackHigh School-CheerleadingHigh School-ActivitiesBandChoirDebatehigh school-Activitieshigh school-ActivitiesSenior TripHigh School After SchoolJobHigh School After Scho
7、olParties High School High SchoolStudents have a guidance counselor to help prepare for the futureEach student takes an SAT or ACT testSAT:Scholastic Aptitude Test(Mathematics&English Reading&English Writing)ACT:American College TestHigh School GraduationUniversityUniversityJunior CollegeCommunity C
8、ollegeUniversityStudents choose two topics to studyMajorMinorBachelorsbtl Degree(4-year)Associates Degree(2 or 3-year)UniversityMost schools offer a liberal arts degreeOur degree is commonly called a diplomaBachelor of ScienceBachelor of ArtsUniversityEach hour of class per week is called a creditSt
9、udents need about 125 credits to graduate with a four year degreeEvery student has their own unique scheduleUniversityStudents can choose which classes they would like to takeIt is very easy to change your major or minor and study a different topicStudents are given a lot of flexibility in choosing
10、what they will studyUniversityUniversity students use the following titles:Grade 1=FreshmenGrade 2=SophomoreGrade 3=JuniorsGrade 4=SeniorsThe first four years of university is called your undergraduate workUniversity-CostAmerican universities are very expensiveUniversity-CostAmerican universities ar
11、e very expensivePrices per year for a 4-year degree range from 10,000 to 40,000 dollarsCommunity colleges are much less expensive University-GPA University-GPAGPA Grade Point AverageThe total average grade of all of your classes and hours at universityHighest being 4.0 and lowest being 0.0A=4 B=3 C=
12、2 D=1 F=0University-ClassesCollege is much more difficult than high schoolUniversity-ClassesCollege is much more difficult than high schoolStudents are given lots of homework and reading to do outside of classWrite papers,read books,give speeches and do group projectsUniversityUniversity-ProjectsUni
13、versity-ProjectsUniversities attract the top scientists and doctors to be teachersUniversity-ProjectsStudent groups also take part in community projectsUniversity-TripsStudents travel to study overseas University-Internships University-InternshipsStudents work at a real company or school to get prac
14、tical experienceStudents also earn credits for the time they work at their internshipOften the students are paid for their workUniversity-InternshipsInternships are usually done during your junior or senior yearIf you perform well,then you will be offered a job upon graduationMasters DegreeAlso call
15、ed a post-graduate degreeUsually takes two or three years to completeSome students take a position at the school called Graduate Assistant Masters DegreeGraduate Assistant Work part-time at the school Masters DegreeGraduate Assistant Work part-time at the schoolAttend class part-timeThe work pays fo
16、r your tuition and room feesSometimes called a“GA”Doctorate Degree Doctorate DegreeAlso called a Ph.D or Doctor of PhilosophyA school can sometimes award an“honorary doctorate degree”Doctorate DegreeDoctorate DegreeAlso called a Ph.D or Doctor of PhilosophyA school can sometimes award an“honorary doctorate degree”Extremely difficult classesStudents must write a dissertation Doctorate Degree Doctorate DegreeUniversity professors should get this degree
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