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1、OCEAN HEAVEN Today,Id like to share a film I watched several months ago,the name of which is OCEAN HEAVEN.Maybe some of you have watched it before.Now,lets review the heart-warming film.The film tells the story about a father named Wang Xincheng who works in an aquarium【水族馆水族馆】and his son named Da F

2、u who suffers from autism:tzm【孤独症、自闭症孤独症、自闭症】Da Fu was diagnosed with autism at the age of three.When he was 7 years,his mom left the family and his dad brought him up alone.Because of the autism【孤独症孤独症】,Da Fu cant express himself like others do.He lives in his own world,does everything in his way.F

3、or example,he cant focus on a certain thing,he walks in a settled way,and he will put everything in the original place.Even if they live a poor life,and this disease troubles the father deeply,Wang Xincheng never gives up.He devotes all his life to his son.Misfortune never comes singly.Wang Xincheng

4、,the only family of Dafu develops lung cancer.His doctor tells him that there are only 3 month left for him.The biggest problem of Wang Xincheng is the life of his son.Then,he searches for an organization to adopt Da Fu,teaches Da Fu to cook eggs,sort out his clothes,take a bus,open the door and do

5、some simple work just like mopping the floor.The last thing Wang Xincheng wanna do is to let DaFu understand DEATH.Its difficult for an autism patient to know whats death,especially the death of his only familyIn order to achieve this goal,the old father makes a suit of clothes looking like a turtle

6、,then swims in the poor even if he cant swim He wants to tell DaFu that he becomes a turtle and never goes away,he will always go along with him just like the past 21 years.The father passes away,he carries nothing but leaves deep love of himself toward his son.At the end of this film,DaFu swims in

7、the aquarium and has his arms around a turtle I think he believes that his dad doesnt go away.I have seen the film for three times.Every time I was moved by the couple of father and son.They express love without limitation which usually cant be expressed in words.No matter what happens,I will always love you,help you,and accompany you,even though I die,which I think is the most honest thinking of a father.The End

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