1、外文翻译题目:连锁经营运行模式研究一、外文原文标题:Effective franchise management原文:This article tries to address some of the issues managers face in franchise systems, the use of high tech systems and marketing. Using these two tools in the best way possible is of great importance to franchisees and franchisors. Both the a
2、dvantages and short comings of these aspects are discussed. The importance of such an examination comes from the fact that these tools could be of very high value if applied appropriately or harmful if misapplied. Some examples of franchise systems that have been involved in these aspects are discus
3、sed to show the two- sided nature of the application of them.Franchising is one of the most popular and successful strategies for businesses to enter new markets and expand operations. Franchising enables the franchisor to enter a new market with very low risks and initial investment. Franchising sy
4、stems are facing new challenges every day, such as: legal issues, marketing campaigns, franchisee- franchisor relationship, use of high tech systems, etc.The ultimate goal for both the sides of a franchise system is to fatten the bottom line maximize profits. Introduction of new technologies has bro
5、ught the attention of people in franchising the opportunities and horizons such technologies could open. Later on, the article will take a brief look at the new high tech systems, what they do, and how they could be very valuable to any franchise. Finally, the article examines the way franchise syst
6、ems design their marketing campaigns.Technology is advancing every day and offering businesses some systems and tools that increase efficiency and productivity. Businesses have been making use of intranets, the Internet, sales and inventory software, and data transformation systems. Franchise system
7、s can boost up their sales efficiencies, quality of communication, and profit ability by integrating these tools with their businesses. Some franchise systems have been applying and utilizing the tools and systems avail able and have enjoyed higher quality in communication and higher productivities.
8、 Like every thing else the high tech systems come with challenges. We will discuss how some of these systems are used, the advantages they bring to a franchise organization, and the challenges that come along.As we all know the use of the Internet has been growing exponentially all over the world in
9、 the past few years. The number of people buying products and services is growing as a result of the continuous improvement in Internet security. Global Sight Corporation (A company that offers Inter net Statistics) projected that the world wide e- commerce market will reach $1.2tril lion in the yea
10、r 2001. This magnitude of transactions on the net makes every business, regard less of the industry it operates in, anxious to be on the net and explore the opportunities that come along. Franchise systems have been taking advantage of the Internet. The Internet is used to generate sales, generate l
11、eads, training franchisees employees, and provide customers with information.Generating sales is one of the simplest uses of the Internet by a franchise system. The franchise system controls the central web site, and allows the franchisees to have their web site, but with the supervision of the fran
12、chisor. More and more franchise systems have been using the Internet for in creasing sales. One example that shows the horizons the Internet opens for both the franchisee and the franchisor comes from Los Angeles where Mr. Jaffer who runs PIP Printing stores in L.A. got a printing job in the systems
13、 from London, the employees pulled the order out, and called the film production company to whom the job was to be delivered and in formed them that the order was received and asked them to come and pick it up. The job was in the hands of the employees of the film production company after 90 minutes
14、 of PIP Printing receiving the order (U.S. Chamber of commerce, 1998). This story shows what kind of opportunities are on the web for the franchise system.The use of the Internet to generate sales brings up a conflict between the franchisor and the franchisee. This might lead to some legal debate, b
15、ecause in most cases the franchisor grants exclusive rights to the franchisee. Therefore, if the franchisor is trying to claim his rights to the revenues made in the franchisees territory, he/she could be violating the franchising contract.Franchise systems mainly use the Internet to attract new fra
16、nchisees. For example, 85% of Planet Smoothie and PJs Coffees lead attraction comes from the web says its CEO Mr. ORouke (International Franchise Association, 2002). By offering applications and relevant information for prospective franchisees, franchisors can attract many more people and be much mo
17、re exposed. This way of attracting franchisees will save the franchisors time, effort, and most importantly money. According to Mr. Jerry Wilkerson, head of the head- hunter firm the cost of sending representatives to a franchise exhibition ranges from $ 15000 to $ 20000 (Swann C., 2001). As a resul
18、t of the lower cost of using the web to contract more franchisees, fewer franchisors are going to franchise exhibitions.Now prospective franchisees can visit the web of the franchisor, learn about the requirements, and even apply. This way of generating the leads and their employee gives even more r
19、oom to cut cost, by eliminating or substantially reducing the need for people directly interacting with prospective franchisees on the phone or through meetings.The degree of use of the Internet by franchise systems vary depending on the industry, capabilities, and some other variables. Some franchi
20、sees have furthered their use of the Internet to post their training programmes which are easily accessed by franchisees and their employees. Another use is to provide information, such as, the closest branch to the customer, contact numbers, prices, and menus.This is another tool that franchise sys
21、tems use extensively. It gives the franchisees the chance to communicate with each other and with the franchisor. According to the International Franchise Association (IFA) the intranet is the most basic high tech tool used by franchise systems and the one that both franchisors and franchisees value
22、 the most. Franchisors use intranets to educate their franchisees and provide their training programmes. For example,Mr. ORouke the CEO of Smoothie and PJs says that their intranet contains recipes, guide lines, operational procedures, links to vendors and suppliers, etc.Another tool that is getting
23、 more popular is the Point- of- Sale (POS) systems. Advanced POS systems can track customer purchases, keeping and watching levels of inventory, and report franchisee sales to the franchisor instantly. Some systems can even calculate cost including labour cost, and give both franchisee and franchiso
24、r the bottom line result.These systems are efficient to an extent that Mr. Recknagle from Blimpie describes them as “little brain”. The information these high tech tools can offer makes franchises capable of operating in a way they were never capable of be fore,they handle highly complicated reports
25、 of sales and quantities and use it in preparing production and marketing plans. It may seem after describing the benefits of these high tech tools that a franchise should invest as much as they can in these technologies. That is not the case, more expensive does not necessarily mean better. A franc
26、hise should evaluate the system they might be interested in and learn what the system could offer the organization. There are many sophisticated powerful neat- looking systems out in the market, but they might be in compatible, unjustifiably expensive, or have weak synergies with the franchise syste
27、m. After in vesting a lot of money in technology it could bring more problems than it solves.A franchise that wants to in vest in high tech technology should shop around, and take a look at what different providers have to offer. Furthermore franchises should have a Chief Technology Officer CTO with
28、in the organization or if not use the help of consultants. Finally, franchises should learn from one another, by looking at other franchises that are ahead in the high tech game they can know what works and what does not in their field.Franchisees and franchisors have a mutual interest in marketing
29、and advertising the products or service they offer. Marketing franchise products is not exactly the same as marketing a product of a corporation. Efforts put by both franchisees and franchisors in the marketing area should complement each other. Franchisors vary in their way of managing their market
30、ing and advertising campaigns, some franchisors have very centralised marketing campaigns, while others have decentralised ones. The difference between centralised and decentralised marketing in franchises is in how much control the head quarters of the franchise has. Some franchisees prefer receivi
31、ng the marketing tactics and strategies from the franchisors, because they do not want to worry about the failure, the logic is that the franchisor knows the product better and knows how to sell it. Some franchisees prefer designing their marketing campaign by them selves, arguing that they know the
32、 customers and their preferences better than the franchisor does. Both arguments make sense. The franchisor definitely knows the product better, and the franchisee knows his customers better - especially if the franchisee is overseas.A good marketing campaign is one that brings together the knowledg
33、e and resources of both sides. The better knowledge of the product with the better knowledge of the customer, if combined together should give a very effective campaign. However, the franchisor should keep some controll over the campaign of the franchisees to avoid any misrepresentation of the brand
34、.Managing a franchise is an art. Being aware of the bigger picture, while managing the smaller details is not the most trivial thing to do. Franchisors and franchisees have a genuine interest in expanding the franchise and operate as efficiently as possible. The huge advances in the high technology
35、industry have been extremely beneficial to franchise systems. However, technology is not a magical tool that you just add to the system and everything is solved. Some high tech systems can be more harmful than helpful. A franchise system should evaluate the value any high tech system will add to the
36、ir operations, and decide accordingly whether to invest in it or not.Marketing has been a puzzle for the franchise system. The question of whether centralised or decentralised marketing campaigns are the most effective to use has not been that easy a decision for franchisors. A combination of both w
37、ould probably be the best answer, because sharing the franchisors knowledge of the product and the franchisees knowledge of the customers will en able marketing people to hit the nail right on the head.A franchise is defined as a long-term, continuing business relationship wherein for a consideratio
38、n, the franchisor grants to the franchisee a licensed right, subject to agreed requirements and restrictions, to conduct business utilising the trade and/or service marks of the franchisor and also provides to the franchisee advice and assistance in organising, merchandising, and managing the busine
39、ss conducted to the licensee .Franchising is a system or method of marketing a product or service. The franchisor develops a special product, service, or system and gains national recognition. The franchisor then grants a right or license to small, independent businessmen throughout the country to m
40、erchandise this service or product under the national trademark and in accordance with a proven, successful format. This increases the franchisors exposure for more national business and gives the franchisee a greater chance for success in a given field with a smaller amount of capital investment.Th
41、e franchisors have to develop an organizational chart that diagrams and describes the organization relationships of their own operation. In franchising, this primarily consists of two distinct and different business categories: (1) sales - to prospective franchisees, and (2) operations of the franch
42、ise units. This organizational structure may consist of a franchisor with a director of sales and a director of operations. However, complex franchising organizations consist of the CEO who oversees the operations of sales with operations being divided into training, products, services, marketing, f
43、inance, and accounting. The franchise system initially is quite simple but needs to be divided between sales to prospective franchisees and operation development.出处:Saif Saleh, Brian H. Kleiner. Effective franchise management J. Management Research News. 2005.28 (2/3), pp. 74-79二、翻译文章标题:有效的特许经营管理译文:
48、的收入,这样可能是违反特许经营合同。特许经营系统主要采用了互联网,以吸引新的特许经销商。例如,总裁ORouke先生(国际特许经营协会,2002)表示85行星冰沙和PJ咖啡的经营商是被网络吸引来的。通过提供特许经营相关的应用和潜在的信息,加盟商可以吸引更多的人,并且将会比更快速的扩张。这种吸引经销商的方式将节省了加盟商的时间、精力最重要的还是金钱。根据威尔克森杰里先生猎头公司的首长了解到对派遣专营权代表展览费用的范围从$ 15000至$ 20000(斯旺角,2001年)。根据结果显示这种以低成本吸引经销商签约的,少数经销商还将参加特许经营展览。现在,潜在的特许经营商可以参观特许网络,了解加盟条件
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