4、菩映励犬践辞谚掌浇企途扼挎拄抑该樱眠笔婿省貉测续券婚创谚球浇掌挝扼就欧挎讽樱该鞍知盛盒摄绪猿励券姬辞谚涨浇企途扼挎奉抑改樱眠英徐印流圆流券婚创验球浇凄宴企就斩挎讽抑知鞍眠英构省流圆柳仇励源嫌球谚灯以斩虚拟现实技术的发展过程及研究现状虚拟现实技术是近年来发展最快的技术之一,它与多媒体技术 、网络技术并称为三大前景最好的计算机技术。与其他高新技术一样,客观需求是虚拟现实技术发展的动力。近年来,在仿真建模、计算机设计、可视化计算、遥控机器人等领域,提出了一个共同的需求,即建立一个比现有计算机系统更为直观的输入输出系统,成为能与各种船感器相联、更为友好的人机界面、人能沉浸其中、超越其上、进出自如、交互
5、作用的多维化信息环境。VR技术是人工智能、计算机图形学、人机接口技术、多媒体技术、网络技术、并行计算技术等多种技术的集成。它是一种有效的模拟人在自然环境中视听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术。虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality ):是一种最有效的模拟人在自然环境中视、听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术,是综合计算机图形技术、多媒体技术、并行实时计算技术、人工智能、仿真技术等多种学科而发展起来的 20世纪90年代计算机领域的最新技术。VR以模拟方式为使用者创造一个实时反映实体对象变化与相互作用的三维图像世界,在视、听、触、嗅等感知行为的逼真体验中,使参与者可直接探索虚拟对象在所处环境中的作用和变
6、化;仿佛置身于虚拟的现实世界中,产生沉浸感 (immersive)、想象(imaginative和实现交互性 interactive) 。 VR技术的每一步都是围绕这三个特征而前进的。这三个特征为沉浸特征、交互特征和构想特征。这三个重要特征用以区别相邻近的技术,如多媒体技术、计算机可视化技术沉浸特征,即在VR提供的虚拟世界中,使用户能感觉到是真实的进入了一个客观世界;交互特征,要求用户能用人类熟悉的方式对虚拟环境中的实体进行观察和操纵;构想特征:即“从定性和定量综合集成环境中得到感性和理性的认识:从而化概念和萌发新意”。 1.VR技术发展的三个阶段VR技术的发展大致可分为三个阶段:20世纪50
7、年代至70年代VR技术的准备阶段;80年代初80年代中期,是VR 技术系统化、开始走出实验室进入实际应用的阶段;80年代末至90年代初,是VR技术迅猛发展的阶段。第一阶段:50 70年代,为虚拟现实的探索阶段1965年由美国Morton Heileg开发了一个称Sensorama的摩托车仿真器,不仅具有三维视频及立体声效果,还能产生风吹的感觉和街道气1968年,美国计算机科学家I1E1Sutherland在哈佛大学组织开发了第一个计算机图形驱动的头盔显示器HMD及头部位置跟踪系统,成为VR 技术发展史上的一个重要里程碑,为虚拟现实的发展奠定了基础。第二阶段:80年代初至80年代中期,开始形成V
8、R技术的基本概念,开始由实验进入实用阶段,其重要标志是:1985年在Michael McGreevy领导下完成VIEW虚拟现实系统,装备了数据手套和头部跟踪器,提供了手势、语言等交互手段,使VIEW成为名副其实的虚拟现实系统,成为后来开发虚拟现实的体系结构其他如VPL公司开发了用于生成虚拟现实RB2软件和Data Glove数据手套,为虚拟现实提供了开发工具。第三阶段:80年代末至90年代初,为虚拟现实全面发展阶段虚拟现实技术已经从实验室的试验阶段走向了市场的实用阶段:对虚拟现实技术的研究也从基本理论和系统构成的研究转向应用过程中所遇到的具体问题的探讨。在虚拟现实系统中只有各种交互设备还不够,
9、还必须提供基本的软件支撑环境,用户能方便地构造虚拟环境并与虚拟环境进行高级交互。为了使VR 技术得到广泛应用,很有必要分析虚拟现实系统软件支撑环境体系结构,例如Dialogue系统,提出了一种通过基于事件驱动的中驱用户接口管理系统(UMIS) ,能进行多进程通讯的软件体系结构,解决了虚拟现实的动态灵活性问题,推进了软件支撑环境的发展。为了满足虚拟现实对计算复杂性的几是无限的要求,虚拟现实系统必须提供足够强的灵活性及可扩充性。要做到这一点,可以从软件与硬件两方面来考虑,在硬件体系结构方面,DIVISO公司在SuperVision系统中提出了一种基本的并行模型,开发了相关的并行处理器件和DVS 操
10、作系统,使虚拟现实得以全面发展。 2.VR技术在美国的研究开发20世纪40年代初,作为虚拟现实前身的飞行仿真器在美国出现。1966年,美国MIT林肯实验室在海军科研办公室的资助下,研制出了第一个头盔式显示器 (HMD) ,随后又将模拟力和触觉的反馈装置加入到系统中。1970年,研制出了第一个功能较齐全的HMD系统。自80年代后期起,美国VPL公司陆续研制出较实用的头盔式三维显示器、能提供六个自由度的数据手套、立体声耳机及相应的计算机软硬件系统。80年代初,美国的DARPA(Defensen Advanced Research Projects Agency) 为坦克编队作战训练开发了一个实用的
11、虚SIMNET。SIMNET系统中的每个独立的模拟器都能单独模拟M1坦克的全部特性,包括导航、武器、传感和显示等性能,对坦克装置上的武器、传感器和发动机等的模拟是在特定的作战环境下进行的。DPRPA计划进一步扩大仿真数据库,从目前的1000个对象扩大100000个(2000年前完成。北大西洋公约组织(NATO)计划把各个不同国家的兵力逐步“汇集入SIMNET而成为一个虚拟战场”,然后把空战仿真系统AWSIMS -(Air Warfare Simulation System ) 和海战仿真系统( NWSIMS - Naval Warfare Simulation System )与SIMNET相
12、联。另外,美NASA积极地将VR技术应用于对航天运载器外的空间活动研究、空间站自由操纵研究和对哈勃空间维修的研究等项目中。图形图像处理技术和传感器技术是以上 VR 项目的主要技术。就目前来看,空间的动态性和时间的实时性是这项技术的最主要焦点。 3.VR 技术在欧洲的研究开发VR在英国的研究与开发。VR应用的关键是寻找合适的场合和对象,即如何发挥想象力和创造性。选择适当的应用对象可大幅度地提高效率,减轻劳动强度,提高产品质量。为了达到这一目的,必须研究VR开发工具。例如,VR系统开发平台、分布式VR技术等,这些都直接与计算机技术、多媒体技术的快速发展密切相关。在VR开发的某些方面,特别是在分布并
13、行处理、辅助设备 (包括触觉反馈) 设计和应用研究方面,在欧洲英国是领先的。以下是英国从事VR的四个主要中心。Windustries (工业集团公司)位于英Leicester,是国际VR界的著名开发机构,在工业设计和可视化等重要领域占有一席之地。British Aerospace英国航空公司BAe的Brough分部正在利用VR技术设计高级战斗机座舱,BAe开发的大项目VECTA (Virtual Environment Configurable Training Aid是一个高级测试平台,用于研究VR技术以及考察)用VR替代传统模拟器方法的潜力VECTA的子项RAVE Real And Vir
14、tual Environment)就是专门为在座舱内训练飞行员而研制Dimension International,位于英国南部Aldermason,是桌面V的先驱。该公司生产了一系列的商业VR软件包,都命名为Superscape。Superscape软件包的前端主要由图形编辑器、世界编辑器和可视化模块三个部分组成。图形编辑器用于创建三维物体,预定义图形放置在世界编辑器的世界坐标系中,可视化程序允许用户在虚拟世界中移动并与之交互,通过空间球和鼠标发布命令。Division Ltd ,创建于1989年,位于布里斯托尔。该公司在开发Vision 、Pro Vision 和Supervision 系
15、统/模块化高速图形引擎中,率先使用Transputeri860技术。该公司的软件是按客户/ 服务器体系结构模式设计的。 VR 技术在我国的研究开发我国对VR技术的研究起步20世纪90年代初,发展到现在已初步取得了成果。国内的一些科研单位如清华大学的临场感应技术重点实验室、北京航空航天大学的三系、中国民航学院、浙大计算机仿真重点实验室、空军第二航空学院、空军工程学院和解放军信息工程大学等,对虚拟现实的研究取得了重要成果,在某些方面的研究已经接近国际先进水平。对于海浪、海滩浪、碎浪等的模拟研究有些基础,国外学者如Peachey D、Alain Fournier、WilliamT1Reeeves 、
16、Beesel1F 、Lebelond ,Paul H1都有较深入研究;国内浙江大学CAD&CG国家重实验室、国防科技大学、哈尔滨工业大学、北京航空航天大学等也有不同程度的研究。这些研究虽与海洋有关,但偏重于“浪”这一具体现象,并没有把海洋当作一个整体来对待,但它的理论与方法可以被海洋三维地形景观模拟系统所采用。目前,国内从事海域整体模拟研究的还不多。西北工业大学航海工程学院应用Visual C +和Open GL在高档微机上实现了虚拟海洋环境,该系统能较逼真的模拟海洋环境,有简单的鱼群、海洋植物和海流声音。现在中国测绘科学研究院正承担着国家863“海洋3D”项目,有望在海洋三维模拟方面产生一些
17、重大成果。在国外, University of Hull ,Department of Computer Science 等研究部门有关于海床的研究,效果很逼真。原文出处:W.Fellner,Armin Hoop. USA. Department of Computer Science University of TechnologyVirtual reality technology development process and research status ofVirtual reality technology in recent years, one of the fastest
18、growing technology,and multimedia technology, network technology and known as the three best prospect of computer technology. And other high-tech, external demand is the motive force of the development of virtual reality technology. In recent years, in simulation modeling, computer design, visualiza
19、tion in scientific computing, remote control robot fields, presents a common demand, namely the establishment of a more intuitive than the existing computer system input output system, can be connected with various ship sense, more friendly interface, one can immerse, beyond the inlet from, such as,
20、 interaction of multi-dimensional information environment. VR technology in artificial intelligence, computer graphics, interface technology, multimedia technology, network technology, parallel computation technology integration. It is a kind of effective human analogue in the natural environment, l
21、isten, dynamic behaviors such as advanced man-machine interaction technique.Virtual reality ( Virtual Reality VR ), is one of the most effective human analogue in the natural environment, in listening, dynamic behaviors such as advanced human-computer interaction technology, is an integrated compute
22、r graphics technology, multimedia technology, real-time parallel computing technology, artificial intelligence, simulation technology and other subjects developed in twentieth Century 90years generation computing machine in the field of new technology. VR to simulate the way for the user to create a
23、 real-time reflect the entity object and interaction of three-dimensional image world, in the optic, listen, touch, smell and other perceived behavioral realistic experience, so that participants can direct exploration of virtual objects in the environment and the role of change, as if place oneself
24、 in the virtual reality world, are immersed in (immersive), imagination(imaginative and Realization of interactive I nteractive ).VR technology every step is around the three characteristics and the. These three characteristics for immersion, interaction characteristics and conception characteristic
25、s characteristics. The three important characteristics used to distinguish adjacent technology, such as multimedia technology, computer visualization technology immersion feature, whereby the VR provides a virtual world, so that the user can feel it is true in an objective world; interactive feature
26、s, requires that the user can use human familiar way, the entity in virtual environment observation and manipulation of concept; concept characteristic, namely from qualitative and quantitative integrated environment for the perceptual and rational knowledge, thus the concept of novelty and germinat
27、ion.1.Three stages in the development of VR TechnologyThe development of VR technology can be divided into three stages: nineteen fifties to 70 time, VR is the preparatory stage; at the beginning of the 80s to mid 80s, is a VR technology systematic, began to move out of the laboratory into practical
28、 application stage; at the end of the 80s to early 90s, is the rapid development of VR technology stage.The first phase,50to 70 years, as the virtual reality the exploration stage of the United States in 1965 by Morton Heileg developed a motorcycle simulator called Sensorama, not only has a three-di
29、mensional video and stereo effect, can have a feeling of wind and streets smell1968, American computer scientist I1E1Sutherland at the Harvard University developed the first computing machine graphics driver helmet mounted display HMD and head position tracking system, become the VR technology histo
30、ry an important milepost, virtual reality development laid the foundation.The second stage, the early 80s to 80time metaphase, begin to form the basic concept of VR, started by the experiment into the practical stage, an important sign of which is that: in 1985 Michael Mc Greevy finished under the V
31、IEW virtual reality system, equipped with a data glove and head tracker, provides gestures, language and other means of interaction, make VIEW be be worthy of the name of the virtual reality system, later to become the development of virtual reality system structure of other companies such as VPL ha
32、ve been developed for the generation of virtual reality RB2 software and Data Glove data glove, for virtual reality provides development tools.The third stage, the late 80s to early 90s, as the virtual reality development virtual reality technology from laboratory experimental stage to market a prac
33、tical stage, on the virtual reality technology research from the basic theory and system structure of steering application encountered specific problems. In the virtual reality system only a variety of interactive device is not enough, must also provide basic software support environment, user can f
34、acilitate the construction of virtual environment and virtual environment into the line of advanced interactive. In order to make the VR technology has been widely used, so it is necessary to analyze the system of virtual reality software support environment, system structure, such as a Dialogue sys
35、tem, puts forward a kind of based on event driven drive users export management system ( UMIS ), can be in the range of communication software system structure, solves the problem of the dynamic flexibility of virtual reality, advanced software support ringEnvironmental development. In order to meet
36、 the needs of virtual reality on the computational complexity of the few is infinite, the virtual reality system must provide sufficient flexibility and scalability. To do this, can from hardware and software two aspects to consider, in the hardware system structure, DIVISON in SuperVision system pr
37、esents a basic model, the development of the relevant parallel processing device and the DVS operating system, so that the virtual reality is able to develop in the round.2.Research and development of VR technology in the United States of AmericaThe early nineteen forties, as the virtual reality Fli
38、ght Simulator formerly appeared in the United states. In 1966, the United States MIT Lincoln Laboratory at the office of naval research funding, developed the first helmet mounted display ( HMD ), then the simulation of force and tactile feedback device is added to the system. In 1970, developed the
39、 first complete function of the HMD system. Since 80 time later period, the United States of America VPL company have developed a practical helmet type three-dimensional display, can provide six degrees of freedom of the data glove, stereo headphones and a corresponding computer software and hardwar
40、e system. In the early 80, the United States DARPA ( DefensenAdvancedResearch Projects Agency ) for tank Fleet Combat Training and development of a practical SIMNET virtual battlefield system. The SIMNET system independently in each simulator can separately simulated M1 tank all the features, includ
41、ing navigation, weapon, sensing and display performance of tank unit, weapons, sensors and engine simulation is given in the operational environment of the. DPRPA plans to further expand simulation database, from the current 1000expanded to100000( end of 2000). The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
42、 ( NATO ) planThe various countries gradually forces together into SIMNET and become a virtual battlefield, and then the air combat simulation system of AWSIMS ( Air Warfare Simulatio n System ) and naval warfare simulation system ( NWSIMS - Naval Warfare Simulation System ) and SIMNET. In addition,
43、 the United States NASA active VR technology will be applied to the launch vehicle outer space activities, Space Station Freedom of manipulation of research and on Harbert space repair research project. Graphics and image processing technology and sensor technology is more than VRThe main purpose of
44、 technology. At present, the spatial dynamic and real time sex is the main focus of this technology.3.Research and development of VR technology in EuropeResearch and development of VR in the uk. Application of VR is the key to finding the right places and objects, i.e., how to develop imagination an
45、d creativity. Select the appropriate application object can greatly improve efficiency, reduce labor intensity, improve the quality of products. In order to achieve this goal, must study the VR development tools. For example, the VR system development platform, distributed VR technology, these are d
46、irectly and computer technology, the rapid development of multimedia technology is closely related to. In the VR development in some aspects, especially in distributed parallel processing, auxiliary equipment ( including tactile feedback ) design and use research in Europe, Britain is leading. The f
47、ollowing is a British VR engaged in the four main centres. The Windustries ( industry group ) is located in the British Leicester, is the international VR industry leading development agency, in industrial design and visualization and other important areas occupy a space for one person. British Aero
48、space BAe Brough division of British Airways are using VR technology to design advanced fighter cockpit, BAe major development projects ( Virtual VECTA Environment ) Configurable TrainingAid is a senior test platform, used for the study of VR technology and inspection ) with VR instead of the tradit
49、ional simulator and method for potential VECTA project RAVE Real And Virtual Environment ) is a specialized in the cockpit for training pilots and development. Dimension International, located in the south of England s Al dermason, is a desktop VR pioneer. The company produced a series of commercial VR software package, are called Sup erscape. Sup erscape software package is mainly composed of a graphic editor, in front of the world seriesEditor and visualization modules of three parts.
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