2、.6(根据区域与旅游研究,www.crt.dk丹麦中心)。同年美国32的旅客已使用互联网预订旅游安排(见 ,其他的市场研究机构发布其他,高和低,编号。这些统计数据问题,他们是基于不同,要么宽或窄、定义:要么区分:电子商务和电子商务(看到后者作为部分的第一)或不是 ,并且使用不同的变量和测量方法。但是,即使证明不同的定义,给出了所有的统计数字旅游域点向上。然而,在所有这些定义亏缺了一个重要方面我们可以看出在旅游案例:他们是所有交易和商业导向和忽略了这个事实,即网络也是一个中等的好奇心、创建社区或刚一件有趣的事,所有这一切都可能发生,也可能不会获得业务。特别是旅游产品与情感体验,有趣但并不仅仅是业
3、务。一、关于这个行业旅游及旅游业作为一个全球或者说全球化的行业体现了非常具体的特点:1. 旅行和观光的代表了大约11%世界范围内(GDP)旅游卫星账户后举行的世界旅游的方法和旅游委员会);2. 将有十亿国外游客在2010年世界旅游组织,平均而言,旅游增长速度超过其他的经济部门;3. 作为一个伞业它涉及到许多部门,如文化或体育运动,超过30种不同的工业部件,服务已确认的旅行者;4. 解释了整个行业的非均质性,因为它的中小企业结构(尤其是拍照的时候目的地的观点),它有一个巨大的重要性了区域发展。例如,在欧盟的饭店和餐厅部门占了超过130万个企业,这些8.5都是欧洲的企业。95%的企业是非常小的,例
4、如有的企业只有1 - 9名员工;5. 供给与需求面形成一个世界范围的网络,两种生产和分配规律是基于合作。6. 该产品是具有阶段性和复杂性的,(1)一个宾馆房间的床上,不卖一晚代表一个失落的收入。供应商面临着潜在危险,而这种危险通过获得的信息的可能得意减少;(2)旅游产品本身是一种“捆绑型”的基本产品。支持相当复杂的捆绑产品必须有很好定义与尊重对消费者需求、价格或者还经销渠道的接口。旅游是一种以信息为基础的业务,给予一个先于体验的综合评价它的特质是不可能的。游客不得不离开自己的日常环境消费产品。此刻的决策,只可得到一个基于一系列的信息通过后天的多套频道(网络、电视、小册子或朋友) 的产品的抽象模
5、型。这一特点的旅游产品信息都需要消费者和供应商两个方面,面对高信息搜寻成本,导致信息市场的不完善。所有这些反过来使其建立起相应的信息和价值的长链。图1.市场结构视图 12图1区分了供给和需求侧和各自的中介。链接标记的关系以及信息的流动。它仅仅显示最相关的链接,节显示点的参与者在各自区域的相关类型。在供应方面,我们与“主要的供应商”指企业如酒店或餐馆里,大部分中小企业。对于这些公司在泛函数微分在同一水平为“大”的成员,像航空公司。旅游经营者可以被看作是产品汇集者,旅游代理充当信息经纪人,提供最终用户提供有关信息和订的设施。CRS / GDS(中央预订系统/全球分销系统),出于航空订票系统已经发展
6、了他在60年代,还涉及其他产品,如打包度假,或者其他方式的交通工具。而中介机构在右边可以被看作是“专业”连接供给与需求之间(主要是基于电子基础建设和功能的CRS /(GDS),左侧是相关的管理、规划和品牌的一个目的地。这些国家、地区和地方旅游组织通常是政府资助的,以及代表所有的供应商在目的地和不从事预约的过程。上游流按照图1的流程构成产品信息,而下游流动报告主要在于在市场行为,主要表现在条款的统计上。两个信息流动创造一个旅游信息网绑在一起,而且很明显地反映了所有市场参与者之间的经济关系。二、层业务正在改变(一)新的产品和服务网络引导两个新的方法来满足改变消费习惯他们并不忠诚,往往会使更多但更短
7、的假期、决策之间的时间和消费减少,整个旅游价值链的“信息化”也是如此。这允许不同的策略来产生价值11:1. 增加价值的提取效率,降低物流成本,如:自动化的具体进程或外包给客户,自我入住酒店的客人或航空公司的乘客。2. 价值捕获:客户端和销售数据用来支持营销,例如,数据挖掘的预报或产量的管理。3. 价值增长:一个线性组合价值的产品及服务,创造更丰富的产品捆绑,例如,新服务品质为消费者通过将无线服务,以现有的网站给游客建议购买他们的服务。4. 价值创造:把重点放在网络效应,例如,游客们在一个目的地参与服务的定义和规划。这样,不但过程变化,而且能自行设计新服务延伸的范围和配置选项来定制产品。定制过程
8、在基于互联网技术的规模定制下进行了描述有个性的产品或服务。配置是指产品或服务捆绑的不同成分的综合,公司结合他们的核心产品与层附加的服务。(二)新商业网络动力学和部门的已经很有竞争力的电子市场,几乎所有的利益相关者已经实施了他们的策略。同样,旅游业也成为了新入者的发展领域,不论是初创企业还是公司来自媒体和IT领域。自从旅游是一种以信息为基础的业务,它非常适合各自的背景。一个可以观察进一步专业化的趋势并不断解构由成员和产品并联集成的价值链。最新评论的竞争和合作的同时,在边界行业内是模糊的,所有类型的市场参与者都受影响。1. 游客们被更多的成员访问,但是他们同样也在说明它们的服务例如,用反向拍卖网站
9、中扮演更积极的角色。2. 旅行社在销售渠道看到一个渺茫的权力,后果是他们将重点更多地放在咨询和更复杂的产品上。3. 进一步提高网络旅游网站提供了新的市场功能和技术,焦点集中在对旅行者的个性化智能工具见在主要网站使用的建议功能)。目的地管理机构在目的地开发合作模式,在那里他们会占据一个新角色作为经验和集成服务商,例如爱尔兰。4. 旅游经营者基于规模化定制和灵活的配置(例如,意大利操作员科斯塔Crociere已经开发了一种个性化的巡航建造者),总是将个体之间和包装旅游的边界模糊。5. CRS / GDS显示了一个“英特尔内置”的营销战略,利用链接到主要旅游网站提高其交易额,同时进行直接销售以增加零
10、售环节。6. 供应商将日益形成同盟和支持电子直销,增加价格竞争和价格,重新分化过程,如电子的票务客户或自动登机手续。这导致了市场的一种进化,形象地描述为一个进行中的相互影响的集中(例如,如美国与全国各大网站,例如Expedia在线旅行,Orbitz或Travelocity)和同步的新进入的新成员。增加了复杂性,但是也生成了需要新的服务项目,如提供透明访问,市场概览,或价格的比较,这反过来又会促进创新,将更加强调技术创新。三、IT系统:特点和发展趋势新兴的商业场景是基于灵活的网络结构和一个消费者不断提高的整合。如果一个人增加旅游生命周期考虑到流动性方面的旅游者可以得出以下的简化图中的链接各自的旅
11、游阶段与公司的过程。图2.旅游生命周期和公司的进程(供应商和中介机构)很明显,公司合伙人得交叉过程促进了了分布式的b2b2c的形成,并且支持移动通信公司和消费者之间的合作。技术基于一种普遍深入人心的基础设施将变得透明,对消费者来说是无形的;信息就会出现在家中、工作中和在旅行中。在这样一个场景的IT系统应该具有以下特点:1. 支持异构数据格式和 业务功能以及分布式数据来源,因为他们必须考虑的不同类型的参与主体与他们的功能差异;2. 有弹性和开放性,关于地理和功能扩展。他们会支持整个消费生命周期和所有商业阶段;3. 使各自的参与者拥有充分的自主权,而是增强合作行为,为供应商提供复杂工具以及进行动态
12、的网络配置;4. 移动和固网服务的整合,促成服务的多渠道访问,提供像先前描述的所有不同类型的成员;5. 支持细心的用户界面和通过广泛的开发的用户模型的个性化,考虑到用户的行为、认知以及感情方面。交叉的研究和开发工作已经在着手解决旅游及旅游业应用上述主题,并取得了一些显著的成绩。很自然地,很多这些活动遵循一个基于AI途径。接下来,我们参考他们中的一些人,集中关注于那些更有影响力,已经或即将有重大作用的途径。这些都是具有相当水平的技术,它能在不同的应用中被开发,如旅游规划与调度、来访者导引系统、个人定价、反向拍卖,或工作流管理支持合作的市场中。1信息提取。旅游信息门户网站仍然很大程度上基于非结构化
13、的信息。因此,发展中的一个关键问题在于存取数据的分布式系统为人类使用格式化并把它们转换成一个结构化的数据格式,如XML。这个问题通过包覆技术得到妥善解决来学习高度精确提取规则,适应结构的改变网站确保正确的抽取数据(5,6)。2信息集成。包装器可以利用顶部或结构化信息来源的半结构化来建立。这为解答基于多重包装的数据的结合与提取的疑问的系统 4 搭建了舞台。旅游相关资讯来源代表一个完美的应用等技术。例如,TheaterLoc是一种信息集成的应用程序,可以让用户检索在美国的剧院和餐馆的信息,这些信息来自5个不同的线上资源1。这个应用程序的核心部件是一个开发AI规划技术的媒介,是一个领域模型(含一种本
14、体论),它结合一套公理描述之间的映射关系与综合性数据来源。当查询时,系统原因提出关于领域的模型的描述和来源,建立一个计划数据检索和整合。3信息的简报。旅游是一种特殊的文化遗产,是一个享有特权的应用领域为智能信息介绍技术10。自然语言技术被用来建造语境演讲,演讲和手势识别以及动画角色支持一条增量互动性涉及用户在欣赏文化遗产。应用已经开发出来,因为这才是真正的展览的信息,即用户混合,监测,一组感测器,能在移动设备上活化个性化的窗户,那里提供在展的的信息 (例如,在一个博物馆)。此外,即使是不请自来的对进一步话题或对象设想都可以提供交付。4建议。建议系统建会推荐产品并未消费者提供建议的产品信息以便于
17、上敏感的、个性化、有效的考虑约束条件下的无所不在的访问的互动模型。但这里,做为被提前描述的建议体系,在旅游领域中被开发在开发的复杂的用户模型可以在排除这些障碍中起到很大作用。四、结论旅游和旅游业表明电子商务将如何会改变这个产业的结构和商业运作的方式,并且这样的制造程序也带来了新的商机。更多的专业服务的部署,灵活的网络配置和进一步整合会形成机敏消费者市场,整合所有利益相关者。潜在的信息技术场景普及以及强制执行这一发展表明,旅游业是一个有趣的应用以及研究领域的。同样它也将使其它行业产生学习这种发展和理解在这个发展新兴电子市场的兴趣。 附件2:外文原文(复印件)ELECTRONIC COMMERCE
18、 AND TOURISMHas e-commerce past its prime or just resting? Business and stock market expectations have not been fulfilled. However, in some sectors such as the travel and tourism industry online transactions are continuously increasing, despite its tough economic problems and fewer travelers. This i
19、ndustry is the leading application in the B2C (business-to-consumer) arena. Whereas in other industries there is a stronger hold to traditional processes, the tourism industry is witnessing an acceptance of e-commerce to the extent that the structure of the industry is changing. The net is used not
20、only for information gathering; there is an acceptance of ordering services over the Internet. A new type of user is emerging, who seems to accept to become his own travel agent and to build his travel package. In 2002 the US online travel market increased by 45% up to 27 Bn. U$, accounting for 14.4
21、% of the total travel market; and in Europe the online travel increased by 67%, making up 3.6 % of the total market (according to the Danish Center for Regional and Tourism Research, www.crt.dk). In the same year 32 % of US travelers have used the Internet to book travel arrangements (see And 9 fore
22、casts that by 2007 30% of all B2C transaction in the European German speaking countries will be done via the Internet. However, other market research institutes publish other, both higher and lower, numbers. These statistics have the problem that they are based on varying, either broad or narrow, de
23、finitions: either distinguishing between e-business and e-commerce (seeing the latter as part of the first) or not, and using different variables and measurement methods. But even when following different definitions, all the statistics given for the travel domain point upwards. However, all those d
24、efinitions fall short in one important aspect as we can see in the tourism case: they are all transaction and business oriented and ignore the fact that the Web is also a medium of curiosity, of creating communities or having just fun, all of which may or may not result into business. Especially the
25、 tourism product has to do with emotional experiences, with fun; it is not just business. 1 The IndustryThe travel & tourism industry as a global (and a globalization) industry shows very specific features: Travel and tourism represents approx. 11% of the world wide GDP (following the tourism satell
26、ite account method of the World Travel & Tourism Council). There will be one Billion international arrivals in the year 2010 (following the World Tourism Organization), and on average tourism grows faster than the other economic sectors. As an umbrella industry it relates to many sectors such as cul
27、ture or sport, over 30 different industrial components have been identified that serve travelers. This explains the industrys heterogeneity, and due to its SME structure (especially when taking a destination point of view) it has a huge importance for regional development. For example, in the EU the
28、 hotel and restaurants sector accounts for more than 1.3 million enterprises, these are 8.5 % ofball European enterprises. 95.5 % of these enterprises are very small, e.g., 1-9 employees. The supply and the demand side form a worldwide network, where both production and distribution are based on coo
29、peration. The product is perishable and complex: i) a hotel bed not sold for one night represent a lost income. Suppliers are in a risky situation, which can be reduced if access to information is available; ii) the tourism product itself is a bundle of basic products. To support the rather complex
30、bundling products must have well defined interfaces with respect to consumer needs, prices or also distribution channels.Tourism is an information based business, the product is a “confidence good“; an a priori comprehensive assessment of its qualities is impossible. Tourists have to leave their dai
31、ly environment for consuming the product. At the moment of decision-making, only an abstract model of the product is available, which is based on a range of information acquired through a multiple set of channels (Web, TV, brochures or friends). This characteristic of tourism products requires infor
32、mation on both, the consumers and suppliers sides, entailing high information search costs and causing informational market imperfections. These, in turn, led to the establishment of comparably long information and value chains. Figure 1. Structural view of the market 12.Figure 1 differentiates betw
33、een the supply and demand side and the respective intermediaries. Links mark the relationships as well as the flow of information. It only shows the most relevant links, the nodes indicate the relevant types of players in the field. On the supply side we denote with “primary” suppliers enterprises l
34、ike hotels or restaurants, mostly SMEs. With respect to a functional differentiation these companies are on the same level as the “big“ players like airlines. Tour operators can be seen as product aggregators, travel agents act as information brokers, providing the final consumer with the relevant i
35、nformation and booking facilities. CRS/GDS (Central Reservation Systems / Global Distribution Systems), stemming from the airline reservation systems already developed in the 60s, include also other products such as packaged holidays, or other means of transport. Whereas the intermediaries on the ri
36、ght side can be seen as the “professional“ connection between supply and demand (mainly based on the electronic infrastructure and functionality of CRS/GDS), the left side is relevant for the management, planning and branding of a destination. These national, regional and local tourism organizations
37、 are normally publicly funded, act on behalf of all suppliers within a destination and are not engaged in the booking process. The upstream flow of fig. 1 consists of product information, whereas the downstream flow reports on market behavior, mostly represented in terms of statistical aggregates. B
38、oth information flows create a tourist information network tying together all market participators and, apparently, reflecting the economic relationships between them. 2 Business is Changing2.1 New Products and ServicesThe Web leads both to new ways to meet changing consumer behavior they are less l
39、oyal, tend to make more, but shorter vacations, the time between decision making and consumption decreases and to an “informatization” of the entire tourism value chain. This allows different strategies to generate value 11: Value extraction: increases efficiency and reduces costs, e.g., automation
40、of specific processes or outsourcing to clients such as self check-in of hotel guests or airline passengers. Value capturing: client and sales data are used to support the marketing, e.g., data mining for forecast or yield management. Value adding: a linear combination of products and services to cr
41、eate richer product bundles, e.g., new service quality for consumer by linking mobile services to existing Web sites to advise tourists during their travel. Value creation: the focus is on network effects, e.g., tourists within a destination participate in service definition and planning.Thus, not o
42、nly processes are changed, but also new services can be designed, extending the range of options to customize and to configure products. Customization describes the process of individualizing products or services, based on IT enabled mass-customization. Configuration refers to the bundling of differ
43、ent product or service components to integrated offerings. Companies combine their core products with layers of additional services. 2.2 The New Business NetworkGiven the dynamics of the sector and the already very competitive e-market, nearly all stake holders have implemented their strategy. Touri
44、sm has also become the playing field for new entrants, either start-ups or companies from the media and IT sector. Since tourism is an information based business, it fits well with their respective background. One can observe a trend towards further specialization and an ongoing deconstruction of th
45、e value chain paralleled by an integration of players and products. Companies compete and cooperate at the same time, boundaries within the industry are blurring. All types of market players are affected: Tourists are addressed by more players, and they are also playing a more active role in specify
46、ing their services (e.g., using reverse auctions sites). Travel agents see a diminishing power in the sales channel, as a consequence they will put more emphasis on consulting and more complex products. Internet travel sites are further enhancing providing new market functionality and technology, fo
47、cusing on personalized intelligent tools for travelers (see the recommendation functionalities used by major sites). Destination management organizations are developing cooperation models within destinations, where they will occupy a new role as consolidator and aggregator; see, for example, the cas
48、e of Ireland. Tour operator will blur the boundaries between individual and packaged tour, based on masscustomization and flexible configurations (e.g., the Italian operator Costa Crociere has developed a personalized cruise builder). CRS / GDS show an INTEL inside marketing strategy by linking to major tourist Web sites for increasing their transaction volume, and they also move into direct sales for the retail segment. Suppliers will increasingly form alliances and support electronic direct sales, increasing price competition as well as pr
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