1、 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目 某企业企业文化建设研究 学 院 商学院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 人力091 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 外文题目 Positive culture-in the era of the tea party 外文出处 Leadership Excellence 外文作者 Rennie Davis 原文一 : Positive Culture-in the era of the Tea PartyRennie DavisI admit to a bad case of channel surfing. I click through the news fo
2、r a little CNN Wolf Blitzer, switchfor a taste of Bill OReillys Fox News before turning to Rachael Maddows MSNBC. It doesnt seem to matter the political disposition of the networkmost embrace the viewers insatiable appetite for news anger. Anyone can take their evening stroll into the upset world of
3、 Sean Hannity, switch to Keith Obermanns Worst Persons in the World, then watch Glen Beck at his chalk board before tuning in for some angry Final Words from Chris Mathews.Tea party fierce speech caused a worry in the United States. The voice of America say, August and day is the American civil righ
4、ts leader Martin Luther King published famous speech I have a dream 47 anniversary of the day, there are two field position opposition rally in Washington, the two rally to the future put forward different point of view. Conservatives hold larger protest rally has hundreds of thousands of people att
5、ended, majority is support tea partys white, they played the restore the United States honor slogan. And another is by civil rights organization at the meeting. The voice of America wrote, the police in Washington, in order to interrupt the any possible argument. This paper concerns to say, a lot of
6、 people have forgot to Martin Luther King had said all americans to unite words.Tea party rise reflects the domestic conservative forces of policy discontent, also caused the American media in a position of build-up. In the Washington post, the New York times newspaper, the tea party demonstration r
7、eports rarely on the front page, the position is not conspicuous. The Nobel Prize winner Paul krugman in the New York times published comments, tea party rally is not spontaneous, but by conservative groups on the basis of the republican opponent, it is against an old trick. Cable news network (CNN)
8、 will tea party launched some demonstrations called right-wing molecular anti-government rally. But the conservative media the national review says, CNN this is deliberately bring shame on protesters. Fox big space report tea party protest critics, liberal media say tea party rally was fox Fried up.
9、 Business is not immune from the fall-out of finger-pointing, negative attacks, and darkening mood. Pockets of cynicism can spread like a contagion.In some businesses, the pockets arent just pockets anymorethe blame game has claimed the entire culture . A business culture is where people workand no
10、other advantage remotely compares to the competitive power of an inspired culture. The attitudes, behaviors, core values, perceptions,and prejudices that shape a business are embedded in its culture. The value of a positive culture is skyrocketing,and the new threat to this valuable asset is the ris
11、ing tide of negativity.The soaring tone of anger in our culture is invading business. Should the angry and upset momentum continue,the great culture may be a companys only strategy for success. In the era of the tea party, culture building has become an urgent new priority. Enterprise to be successf
12、ul, only on a person or a few have the ability, and it is not realistic, personal heroism time has in the past, the enterprise competition is more and more emphasis on the competitiveness of the organization. So have a group of good professional quality talents has become the key factor of business
13、success. A enterprise whether you size, the number of employees, the business what industry, the overall professional quality and code of conduct to influence enterprise management cost and operation efficiency, and even decide the survival of enterprises. So sure enterprise basic standard and form
14、an employees behavior is very important, employee behavior standards, is not only the basic code of conduct, formed the common way of thinking habits and more important. And the enterprise culture it is through the establishment of the values, implant, promotion, and other means to help the enterpri
15、se form the staffs common thinking and way of doing things When people intensify their fingerpointing,cynicism can swiftly pull down the passion and performance of the enterprise. It may not be apparent how the company should adjust and respond either. Management typically thinks it has to accept th
16、e blame game. When an entire culture goes negative, the company tries to live with its sidetaking divisions, emotional outbursts, and morale disorders while the business is robbed of its life and promise. Managers may insist they understand the value of an inspired culture, but few give culture-buil
17、ding the priority it requires. Changing a culture from negative to positive can seem desirable,but when leaders are not engaged or the methodology is not apparent, even companies willing to devote their valued resources to creating a positive culture can feel frustrated with the results. Of the many
18、 strategies for improving profitability in a sluggish cautious market, culture nourishing tops the list.How to achieve the great culture is the great question. In the era of the tea party, the right course can seem elusive. In Good to Great, Jim Collins describes the characteristics that create sust
19、ainable performance and competitive advantage.His work dissects the great cultures of selected companies to show how their common features inspire passion, clear core values, modest leadership, timeless principles, strong work ethics and a hiring process that ensures new recruits have the positive c
20、haracter traits for the great culture. Yet few leaders take Collins freedom road out of their negative culture because they lack a deep desire and enduring commitment to face down their own negativity. When it comes to building a great culture, the old adage you have to change yourself to change the
21、 world applies. When leaders wont examine and change their own behaviors and patterns, positive culture construction comes tumbling down.The familiar landscape simply returns Management has to till its own garden before the new culture will take root and grow.Transforming a culture may require other
22、 challenging decisions, such as having an outplacement strategy for individuals who wont subscribe to the values, principles and standards of performance of the new culture. Building an inspiring new culture also requires an environment of trust. Because of these factors, leaders may conclude that c
23、hanging their culture cant be done. The great culture, however, may be the only strategy able to create an enduring competitive advantage in an era of tea power. Culture-building needs every stakeholder to join in a positive collaborative alignment with passion for the mission.As the external enviro
24、nments turn hateful, effective culture building may be the only course of action that can elevate a business above all others. The great culture is the most valuable business mission imaginableand its achievable. It is the enterprise based on its specific properties, task, principle, time request an
25、d the direction of development, and carefully culture and the formation of enterprise group spirit of members. It through the enterprise staff conscious practice reflected. Therefore, it is the staff and workers of the enterprise idea consciousness and enterprising psychological the alienated. When
26、people are pre-disposed and leaders feel inspired to lead the way, any company can orchestrate an inspiring convergence of events: clearly defined and communicated values; an inspiring, socially useful sustainable mission that provides each individual the passion and motivation of a common direction
27、; a performance system that measures and communicates progress; acknowledgment and rewards regularly given for team and individual contributions; and replacing blame and finger-pointing with a positive empowerment philosophy emphasizing individual responsibility, selfawareness, creativity, curiosity
28、 and peak performance with outstanding results. Some leaders think that philosophy isnt relevant to the bottom line when, in fact, philosophy is the key element in a great culture. Indeed, timeless philosophies are cornerstones for great culture.Concept culture is actually concept identification sys
29、tem of a part, is the enterprise culture of the superstructure, which is based on the cultural level of the enterprise culture system category. Can be broken down as the spirit of enterprise, the enterprise tenet, enterprise values, etc. Concept culture is the mainstay of the enterprise culture. Bec
30、ause any brand to have in orientation, extend its concept culture. Also is the spirit of enterprise, such as folk enterprise spirit may first is the boss of the spirit, are the boss of business intention, relying on the spirit. Concept culture from enterprise CIS strategy view the concept of one of
31、the recognition system extension, deduce out, is based on the concept identification system for refining, concentration, extended enterprise culture category. Concept identification (MI) is the highest decision-making, is to introduce the impulsion of culture, is the enterprise spirit is. It include
32、s spirit slogan, management concept, management policy, motto , MI is also a kind of symbol, it is a kind of enterprise concept culture identification symbols. When this symbol play effective function, virtually to produce a staff, teaching effect, make sure their employees in the company work signi
33、ficance, and further increase the morale. Mahatma Gandhi said, you have to“be the change you want to see in the world.” William Blake wrote “enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.” Socrates said, “let him who would move the world first move himself.” Lao Tsu stated that “when
34、you are content to be yourself and dont compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” Again, such philosophies can be valuable cornerstones for the great culture. No business can create the great culture when the blame game is imbedded in its problem-solving process. To create a blame-free culture
35、, you have to grasp the consequences of what happens when you blame. You can never create your own reality with blame. You turn your power over and become a victim when you blame. When entering the business, everyone has to leave blame at the doorput blame aside and learn how to create useful soluti
36、ons without generating the negative consequences that boomerang back on you when you attack and blame others. Negative thoughts is an important feature is the lack of enterprising spirit, negative thoughts with disappointed, discouraged, depression, such as the bad state of mind. If not timely, effe
37、ctive control, will bring serious consequences, in the long run, will make people form a negative emotional state, and even lead to mental disorder, affect the persons physical and mental health. The great culture realizes that a persons own negative thoughts create their own negative experiences. T
38、hrough the effective way to turn the negative into the positive.Turning a culture from negative to positive involves two steps: 1) creating inspiring customs that enable employees and managers to creatively work together without sabotage or blame;and 2) inviting each individual to realize the destru
39、ctive power of negative thoughts to sabotage desired outcomes. New practices are needed that solve problems with curiosity rather than blame. When the practices are effective and rewarding, many people will feel enthusiasm for them. The new practices should create amazing individual experiences that
40、 give each person their own direct evidence of the exceptional value of the new direction. People should experience the benefit of these practices in their personal lives as well.To end the blame and heal sarcastic negativity, use these tools and practices: Better than imagined: When people can gree
41、t challenge with the certainty that the outcome will be Better Than Imagined, the results will be impressive. Culture cornerstones: Expressing gratitude, appreciation, and respect changes peoples body armor from closed and tight to open and curious. Mastering negative egos: Negative egos sabotage th
42、e person who has them.Behind every emotional reaction, a negative ego is lurking. Instead of being your reaction, try to notice your reactionto find the ego behind the reaction.You can then give it a name (angry ego, sabotaging ego, victim ego) and edit it. By observing negative reactions, eventuall
43、y you can remove every negative ego from the problem-solving process. Feeling great body chemistry: When a person is stressed or fearful, the body doesnt feel great. Inspiring practices for shifting out of depression, stress, and fear into a perception that every new event and aspect of life will be
44、 Better Than Imagined change the body chemistry. Practices that alter how people feel inside their own skin provide fabulous culture-changing solutions.Date Source:Rennie Davis.Positive culture:In the era of the tea partyJ.Leader-ship Excellence,2010(8):P10-11.译文一 :茶党时代下的积极文化伦尼戴维斯我承认这是一个很糟糕的网上冲浪经历。我
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