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1、Module 4 CarnivalPeriod 2 Reading-The magic of the maskTeaching Goals:1. Students can learn about the development of carnival2. Students can develop their basic reading skills.3. Students can know the western festival-Carnival, by knowing others festival, we come to know our own festival more clearl

2、y, students learn to view the world in a multicultural vision.Teaching key point and difficult point:1. The key point of this lesson is to develop students scanning and skimming skills. 2. The difficult point of this lesson is some difficult words and phrases .Teaching methods:1. Communicative teach

3、ing method2. Task-based” teaching method3.Cooperative learning methodTeaching equipment:multi-media computer, tape recorderTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead inPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about the festivals.1. Ask Ss to name some Chinese festivals.2. Small discussion:Which one is your f

4、avorite Chinese festival? 3. Ask Ss to name the foreign festivals in the pictures.Step 2 ReadingPurpose: To develop some basic reading skills and get some information about carnival.Task1. Listen to the tape and choose the topics of the text.Task 2. Skim the text and match the topics with the paragr

5、aphs.Task 3. Scan the text and answer the detailed questions.Task 4. Read the text carefully and fill in the blank.Task 5. Test about the readingStep 3 Key pointsPurpose: This step is a practice section, aims to demonstrate their own ability of using language to do things. 1. Think of carnival, and

6、you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 2. In Europe, where it began , carnival was followed by forty days without meat, as people prepared for the Christian festival of Easter.3. Having fun meant eating ,drinking and dressing up.4. Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while

7、 famous people could have romantic adventures in secret .Step 4 Retelling the textPurpose: Enable Ss to learn about the details of text and help them to talk about carnival. Let them to know what they have learnt during the class.Step 5 Homework 1. Activity 3 on P32 and Activity 4 on P33.2. Finish Vocabulary exercises in WB .

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