1、 英语名人演讲辞赏析英语名人演讲辞赏析 课程实践探索课程实践探索 一一、学科课程规划基础、学科课程规划基础 1、学科性质与基本特点、学科性质与基本特点英语学科的最大特点在于它的工具性兼具人文性英语学科的最大特点在于它的工具性兼具人文性打通必修和选修课程,进行及时的重构打通必修和选修课程,进行及时的重构不仅是技能的培养,更是对人的思维、文化意识、情感态度价值观的培育技能:听、说、读、写、译、思6个方面的能力(即语言教学应该注重发展学生的语用能力)思维培养(英语阅读中思维活动的设计有三个层次:事与实理与道批判思考)阅读的核心位置-选修课程开发的依据在学科课程规划上特别要做好必修课基础上的补缺与纵深
4、模文化知识、强化语言逻辑思维能力、提高语言的模仿运用能力仿运用能力,从而促进有一定英语学习能力的学生,从而促进有一定英语学习能力的学生英语综合运用能力的提高。英语综合运用能力的提高。选课对象和课程目的The Appreciation of English Speech ClassicsContentsUnit one The Gettysburg AddressPoliticsUnit Two Blood,Sweat and TearsPolitics and MilitaryUnit Three I have a dream History and Social phenomenonUnit
5、 Four Science and Art Debate and LiteratureUnit Five We choose to go to the moon Science and TechnologyUnit SixSpeech at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games Entertainment and SportsUnit Seven Unleashing your CreativityCreative SpiritUnit Eight Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish(节选)节选)Life Re
6、flectionUnit Nine Obama Election Victory AddressElection英语名人演讲辞赏析英语名人演讲辞赏析目录如下:目录如下:英语名人演讲辞赏析选材的教学理念:与必修教材中一些篇章的主题相呼应,从经典阅读书目和网络资源中摘取了九篇经典演说词作为教材的雏形。教材编制如Friendship中提到Nazi的法西斯统治,与其对应的是Churchill的“Blood,sweat and tears;Nelson Mandela中提到了黑人的unfair position,我们找到相对应的教学资源是Martin Luther King的I have a dream
7、;Olympic Games中讲到了奥运会的宗旨和历史,相应的演讲稿为奥委会主席罗格的Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games以及此后的冬奥会的休战演说;Life in the future讲述了一次未来的太空之旅,我们在教材的选取上则回顾历史,让学生了解肯尼迪在人类第一次踏上月球之前发出的鼓舞人心的呼喊 We choose to go to the moon;整合必修教材Computer、Women of Great Achievement、A Farming Pioneer、A Student of Af
8、rican Wildlife这些话题,引着我们找到了两位计算机领域的科技和商业奇才,Bill Gates和Steve Jobs,但是同样是计算机领域的商业奇才,我们挑选的两篇演讲材料的侧重却是不同的,Bill Gates的Unleashing your creativity 阐述了creative spirits的重要性,而Steve Jobs 的Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.则着重通过他自己的三个人生故事的分享反映一些人生的道理。在美国历史上,从乔治华盛顿到巴洛克奥巴马,就职演说就是演说经典中不可缺少的,总统们通过就职演说表达其美好希望和英雄梦想,展示其雄才大略和施政纲领
9、。以下几个词汇是课程实施过程中的核心步骤:欣赏原文Appreciating探究背景Exploring解读文本Interpreting联想推断Connecting and inferring比较观点Comparing viewpoints区分事实和观点identifying facts&opinions作出评价和质疑evaluating and questioning总结概括summarizing模仿运用Imitating and employing课程实践通过这几个步骤对这些经典演说词的解析和挖掘,学生也能更好地感悟到一个成功的演讲者所必须具备的八种基本素质:(1)自我认知;(2)准确的思想交
10、流;(3)很好的组织语言;(4)丰富的知识;(5)思维逻辑的整合;(6)能够吸引受众;(7)激励信念;(8)具有幽默感。而这些素质正是现代社会对一个学生的较高要求。课程组采用自编教程开展教学。共编写两本丛书,一本为英语名人演讲辞赏析教学体例,此为本课程的学生和老师使用的教材。教材体例的编写手法有一定的规范操作,教材共九个单元,各单元主要由Reading Text;Reading guidance(-on the author,on the address,on the genre);Reading notes(-Acquisition to your vocabulary,Acquisitio
11、n to your expressions);Analyzing&Exploring(Analyzing the structure&speech content,Exploring the writers ideas);Appreciating&Assessing(Appreciating language Creative writing&Assessing,-Extensive reading&writing)五部分构成。课程教材的编写:其中reading guidance给出了关于作者、演讲材料本身以及演讲特点的介绍。Reading notes 关注了演讲材料中与高中学生英语学习密切相
12、关的词汇和习语的表达方式的运用以及其拓展的学习。Analyzing&Exploring环节则侧重传授学生分析和概括演讲结构和内容的能力,并学会探索演讲者本身传递的思想内涵。Appreciating&Assessing是教材编写中最高难度的一个环节,要求学生学会欣赏语言、评判性地分析语言材料、在模仿的基础上创造性地使用材料、直至最后的拓展写作。最后,根据演讲主题和演讲者的风格,为学生提供与每一单元相匹配的“Extensive reading”,帮助学生进一步扩大语言文化知识面。课例分析Steve Jobs“Stay Hungry;Stay Foolish”:the co-founder,chai
13、rman,and CEO of Apple Inc.Father of Digital Revolution pioneer of personal computer a great communicator/speech masterlogo Steve JobsIntroducing the author and the speechStay Hungry.Stay FoolishDelivered by Steve Jobs on June 12,2005Background of the speechdelivered at _(occasion)intended for _ _(au
14、dience)the commencement/the graduation ceremony at Stanford Universitythe graduates of Stanford University in 2005Stay Hungry.Stay FoolishStay Hungry.Stay FoolishA typical inspiring speechOpeningBody Closing“Thank you.I am honored to be with you today at your commencement(毕业典礼)(毕业典礼)from one of the
15、finest universities in the world.I never graduated from college.Truth be told,this is the closest Ive ever gotten to a college graduation.”Today I want to tell you three stories from my life.Thats it,No big deal.Just three stories.0001.优酷网优酷网-乔布斯乔布斯 斯坦福斯坦福大学大学 演讲(高清,中英文字幕)演讲(高清,中英文字幕)-0001.flvThe op
16、ening part begins by _The first story is about _ My second story is about love and loss.My third story is about death.The body develops by_Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.And I have always wished that for myself.And now,as you graduated to begin anew.I wish that for you.Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.-addressed
17、by _ expressing thanks and honors to the audience and stating the topic.sharing his personal experiences/stories.inspiring/encouraging the graduates.Structureof thewhole speechbe simple,direct,clear,attractive(to draw attention;to create a bond with audience;to be close to the audiencethree stories
18、from my life.Im honored to be with/Its my great honor.Appreciating the structure of the speech-赏析结构、引入话题赏析结构、引入话题着重关注:着重关注:Speech skills Appreciation of some key sentencesFocus on the first story-connecting the dots.connecting the dots?What does the word“dots”refer to?赏析语言赏析语言-挖掘演讲的核心词挖掘演讲的核心词汇汇Disc
19、overy:What happened to Steve Jobs in his early days timeexperiencesat birthHe was_ by his parents on condition that(条条件是)件是)_.17years laterThe college he attended was _6 months after entering collegeHis decision was to _.What did Jobs think of his decision(then and now?)during his dropout Life:1._;2
20、._;3._comments:It wasnt all _,but _.How did he help listeners understand it?as expensive as cost him all his parents savingsdrop out of collegereturned Coke bottlesslept on floorwalked to get a mealromanticHe loved itMuch of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to
21、be priceless.scaryone of the best decisionsadopted they promised Jobs would attend collegeby contrast By giving an example.赏析体验话题赏析体验话题-通过梳理演讲中的重通过梳理演讲中的重要信息要信息-通过写作技巧的概括通过写作技巧的概括Discovery:What happened to Steve Jobs in his early days timeexperiences10years laterPerfect example:(summarize)_Unexpecte
22、d harvest:_His reflecting 反思反思:So“dots”here mean _ If I had never dropped in on the Mac would have never hadIf I had never dropped out,I would have never dropped in on Jobs took calligraphy classes out of interest/curiosity.Jobs put what he learned into the design of Computers.being adopted byattend
23、ing an expensive collegedropping out of collegedropping in calligraphy classputting what he learned into computersthe daily happenings/life experiences 赏析文本的核心语言赏析文本的核心语言-通过挖掘一些与主题通过挖掘一些与主题内涵息息相关的核心词内涵息息相关的核心词汇汇The end of the first storyWhy did Jobs mention“connecting the dots”again?“The first story
24、 is about connecting the dots.”The beginning:Of course it was impossible to connect the dotslooking forward when I was in college.But it was looking backwards ten years later.Again,you cant connect the dots looking forward.To reinforce the main idea,by referring to the topic in the beginning;To summ
25、arize the speech.赏析主题内涵赏析主题内涵 语言学习后的思维训练语言学习后的思维训练-通过设计一些推断、归通过设计一些推断、归纳、延伸思考的问题纳、延伸思考的问题Appreciate the language-rhetoric devices (修辞)修辞)“If I had never dropped in on that single course in college,the Mac would have never had”“If I had never dropped out,I would never have dropped in on this calligra
26、phy class,and personal computer might not have the wonderful”巧用修辞:巧用修辞:repetition(重重复复)and parallelism(排比排比)赏析语言赏析语言 -语言鉴赏的文本语言赏语言鉴赏的文本语言赏析(修辞技巧、写作技巧、析(修辞技巧、写作技巧、意境体验)意境体验)After class activity Youre asked to deliver a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the new term to senior one students.You
27、may share your personal stories with the audience,following the structure weve learned and using rhetoric devices like parallelism and repetition if possible.综合体验环节综合体验环节 -演讲篇章赏析以后的最演讲篇章赏析以后的最后应用(话题借鉴、语言后应用(话题借鉴、语言借鉴、演讲思维借鉴、演借鉴、演讲思维借鉴、演讲技巧借鉴)讲技巧借鉴)Your imitation(仿句)Rewrite the sentences underlined,t
28、rying to use parallel structure or repetition devices.My Crazy Aunt SueMy aunt cannot peel a potato.She has the trouble putting on her makeup.She even needs a special key holder to turn the key.For the past fifteen years,my 47-year-old aunt Sue has been living with a special disease.Yet in spite of
29、the daily sufferings of this disease,my aunt Sue is stronger than any woman or man I have ever met.The strongest person I know cannot peel a potato.The strongest person I know has trouble putting on her makeup.The strongest person I know needs a special keyholder to turn the key.拓展拓展-Techniques used
30、 in ending a speechSummarize the speech Eg.“In conclusion,”End with a quotation(引言)Eg.“Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.”Make a dramatic statement 戏剧性的结尾Parallelism 排比:排比:similar structure in a pair or a series of related words,phrases or sentences.Eg.With these faith we will be able to work together,to pra
31、y together,to struggle together,to go to jail together,to stand up for freedom together,knowing that we will be free one day.”(from I Have a Dream)Examples in other classic speechesRepetition 重复重复 the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical device Let freedom ring from the migh
32、ty mountains of New York.Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.Consolidation:the structure of a speechOpeningBody Closing Structureof aspeechIm honored to b
33、e with Its my great honor What:expressing honors+stating the topicHow:in a direct/clear/attractive wayWhy:to draw attention;to create a bond with the audience;to be close to the audience.Sharing our personal stories/experiences Inspiring or encouraging the audiencewith a quotation/summary(para.6)“my
34、 mother had never graduated from college and my father had never graduated from high school.”Shall we combine the sentences into one like:“Neither of my parents had ever graduated fromAppreciate the language(语言赏析三)语言赏析三)“If I had never dropped in on that single course in college,the Mac would have never had”“If I had never dropped out,I would never have dropped in on this calligraphy class,and personal computer might not have the wonderful”巧用修辞:巧用修辞:repetition and parallelism重复、排比重复、排比(强调了“There are hopes and opportunities in lifes setbacks.”)
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