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1、翻译三级口译实务2007年10月Part IIn this part you are going to hear an interview by a Chinese reporter from Life of the Elderly with a retired artist. Please interpret the reporters remarks into English and the old mans remarks into Chinese.Now, lets begin.1、Reporter:先生,谢谢您接受我的采访。您现在已经退休了,听说这个冬天您要冋您的家乡去, 能不能谈谈

2、您的退休生活?The Artist: Of course. Upon my retirement, I made the decision to spend this winter back home in Norway. I have a house in a small village there, which is a two-hour flight from London, and then a two-hour car ride up into the mountains. Its snowy landscape, vast and beautiful.Reporter:我没有去过北

3、欧,我想那儿的冬天一定很美,但足也一定很冷吧?The Artist: Yes, it can get to 30 degrees below zero there when it gets really cold. And the days are very short. Its very chilly but its dry and theres no wind and you have the northern lights and you have the stars. As long as you1re properly dressed, you dont freeze at all.

4、Reporter:您对家乡有很深的感情。但您选择在伦敦安家,说明您是很毐欢伦敦的,对吗?The Artist: London is the most cosmopolitan and interesting town in the world. It has such a vast supply of culture. It s so easy to live there. I used to spend time in London and I always felt very welcome as a foreigner. Now that my calendar is more flex

5、ible I want to live in London again. I have one child in Karachi and one in Sydney so London is easier to use as a family meeting place.Reporter:请您和我们讲一讲您的童年生活。您是在哪长大的?The Artist : I grew up in a small mining town in the far north of Sweden. In the mid-1920s. they found a huge pile of gold and young

6、 people started to move there, including my parents. They went as teachers. Now the gold is gone and the village is growing old.Reporter:您后来有没有故地重游,再去看看您以前生活过的小村子?The Artist: Yes, I have. In fact, my wife is from there too-Im married to the most beautiful girl in the village-its like in a fantasy-an

7、d until two years ago, her father was still living there, so we went quite often.Reporter:谢谢,希望您能再来北京。Part IIIn this part you will hear a speech delivered by a UN official on World Water Day. Please interpret this speech into Chinese.Now, lets begin.2、 Dear friends,Water is essential for human healt

8、h and well being. Water also helps to reduce poverty. Without water, there would be no life on this planet. Although water covers about two-thirds of the Earth s surface # only 2.5% of the world s water is drinkable.Many millions of people around the world face water shortages . Many millions of chi

9、ldren die every year from water-borne diseases. And drought regularly afflicts some of the worlds poorest countries. The world needs to respond much better. We need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of carrying water, often

10、over great distances. We must involve them in decision-making on water management.We need to make sanitation a priority. This is where progress is needed most. And we must show that water resources need not be a source of conflict. Instead, they can call for cooperation. Significant gains have been

11、made. But a major effort is still required. That is why this year marks the beginning of the Water for Life Decade. Our goal is to meet the internationally agreedtargets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build the foundation for further progress in the years beyond.This is an urgent matter of

12、 human development, and human dignity. Together, we can provide safe, clean water to all the world s people. The worlds water resources are our lifeline for survival, and for sustainable development in the 21st century. Together, we must manage them better.Thank you.Part mIn this part you will hear

13、a welcome speech delivered in Chinese at the opening ceremony of a global seminar on organic food and sustainable agriculture . Please interpret this speech into English.Now, lets begin.3、各位來宾、女士们、先生们:网际有机食品与n丨持续农业研讨会今天幵幕了。在此,我代表两安市政府向前来参加会议的 芥位來宾表示热烈的欢迎。随着生活水的提高,人们对食品的安全、品质、荇养问题史加关注。这次会议的召开对各園 有机食品

14、产业的发展必将起到积极的推动作用。丙安山周围有丰宮的农业资源。近呰年來,我们非常重视发展有机食品,并取得了令人可喜的 成果。今后,我们将积极学借鉴各_发展有机食品的成功经验,为提高人民生活水平做山贡献。 鉍后,预祝各位来宾在两安工作顺利、生活愉快、身休健康,祝会议呦满成功。谢谢!Part I1、记者:Thank you for taking my interview, Sir. I know that you are retired now and are going back to your hometown this winter. Could you talk about your re

15、tired life?艺木家:当然可以。退休后我决定这个冬天冋挪威老家去。我家在一个小村庄里,从伦敦坐飞机要两 小时,再幵两个小时车。房子在山里。那里冰雪覆盖,天高地广,景色优美。记齐:I have never been to North Europe. I believe it is beautiful in winter. But it must be cold as well.艺木家:足啊,冷的时候可以达到零下30度,而且n天时间很短。那里的确很冷,但足也很干燥, 没有H。n丨以看到北极光,看到天上的星星。只要你穿暖和了,萣不会冻着的。You love your hometown dee

16、ply. But you choose to live in London. That shows you love London as well, doesn抰 it?艺术家:伦敦足世界上s有意思的大都巾,文化生活极为丰富,而且居住方便。我曾经在那里仵过, 伦敦对外W人很友好。现在我有自由时间了,所以想再冋到伦敦。我有一个孩子住在卡拉夼,还有一 个住在悉M,如果全家在伦敦团聚,那足非常方便的。记者:Can you tell us something about your childhood, and the place you grew up in?艺术家:我在瑞典北部的一个矿区小镇长大。上

17、个世纪20年代屮期,人们在那里发现了大量金子, 于足年轻人蜂拥而至,其屮就有我的父母。他们当时足教师。现在金子已经没有了,村_f也变得袞老了。记者:Have you ever been back to your hometown to see the small village you once lived in?艺术家:我冋去过。其实我妻子也是那里人一我娶了村里最漂亮的姑娘,一切就像童话一样。两年 前她父亲还住在那里呢。所以,我们过去经常回老家看看。记者:Thank you. Hope to see you again in Beijing.Part II2、朋友们:人类的健康和安乐离不幵水

18、。水也帮助我们减少贫凼。没有水,这个星球上就不会有生命。M 然地球表面三分之二的血积被水覆盖,但只有2.5%的水可以饮用。全世界数以百万计的人们面临缺水状况。每年有数以百万计的儿童死于由水传播的疾病。旱灾 也不断袭击着世界上鉍贫W的同家。全W界应采取史好的应对措施。我们需要提商水的使用效率,尤 其是在农业上。我们要让妇女儿童不川再每天去很远的地方取水。在水资源管理上,我们必须听听他 们的意见。我们需要把卫生环境放在首位,因为这足S需要改善的fnl题。我们还要让人们明水资源不 应成为冲突的根源,人们应该在这方面进行合作。我们已经取得了成果,但还需更加努力。这就足为 什么我们把今年作为、生命之水十

19、年活动的起始年。我们的!_!标足到2015年时完成_际社会协商制 定的水与卫生建设的各项任务,为将來进一步的发展打下坚实基础。这个|Vi|题十分紧边,事关人类发展与人类尊严。我们大家携起手來,就可以为全世界的人提供 安全清洁的水。世界的水资源是我们的生存源泉,是21供纪可持续发展的保证。我们必须共同管理 好水资源。谢谢。Part 3、Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,The Global Seminar on Organic Food and Sustainable Agriculture opens today. I would like to, on be

20、half of the Xian Municipal Government, extend our warm welcome to all guests here.With the improvement of living standards, people are paying more attention to food safety, food quality and nutrition. The seminar will significantly boost the development of organic food industry in your countries.Xi

21、an and its surrounding areas are rich in agriculture resources . In recent years, we have attached great importance to the development of organic food and made satisfactory achievements. We will learn from other countries in this regard and make further contribution to improving peoples life.Finally,工 wish all guests a pleasant stay here in Xi an and the seminar a great success. Thank you all.

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