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1、 八年级到九年级暑期衔接 Day 1一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。每空一词。1.You can tell me about your(苦恼).Maybe I can give you some advice.(击) the fence and caused a big fire2.On October 18,2019 in Zhejiang,a carbecause the driver was drunk.3.My sister is old enough to look after(她自己).4.My mother helped me move the heavy box(向) the d

2、esk.5.To my(惊奇),Jane was a mother of two children.二、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于 3 个单词)。If you dont keep 6_(you) warm enough, winter can be a time to have an illness.During the winter months, people 7_(easy) get colds and flu. Many people think they arethe same, 8

3、_ these two illnesses are different.Colds can stay with you for up to a week. You will have 9_ running nose, sore throat,headache, cough andfever. Flu is 10_(serious). You will feel sick very quickly. Youwill have a fever and a headache. Your body will hurt and become weak. This could last for up to

4、four 11_(week)Are there any ways to keep yourself away from colds or flu? Staying away from persons12_ colds or flu may work. Try 13_(not touch) your nose or eyes if you havebeen close to someone who has a cold. Wash your hands, especially after 14_(clean) yournose. Going out with wet hair can also

5、give you a cold!If you catch a cold or flu, go to bed and rest. Drink lots of water. Stay in a warm, wellaired(通风良好的) room. 15_ you have a headache, or your muscles(肌肉) hurt, dont1 / 5 forget to take some medicine.三、完形填空Tian Haicheng is a farmer in a small village in Ningxia. He had a road _16_ in M

6、arch 2016and lost the use of his arms and _17_ in it. Two months later, his wife left, taking away their son._18_, not everyone abandoned(抛弃) him. His daughter, Jiajia, stayed with him. And she hadto _19_ him._20_ Jiajia is only six years old, she has to do much work every day. She gets up at

7、d massages(按摩) Tians arms and legs for half an hour. _21_ she goes to school, thelittle girl also brushes his teeth and washes his face.When Jiajia is at school, her grandparents, _22_ farmers, look after her father. After shecomes back, Jiajia feeds Tian his dinner and helps him _23_ around the hou

8、se using a DIYmobility device(移动装置)Jiajia even shaves her fathers beard(刮胡子). “_24_ the beginning, I didnt know _25_to shave and I cut Dads face and it bled ,” she said. “But Dad said it didnt _26_. Now Imvery good at shaving. My grandmother says I shave it very clean.”After learning that some peopl

9、e make money through live streaming(直播), Tian _27_ livestreaming for the first time in May 2017. Now he is _28_ and has more than 450 ,000 fans.“Im happy living with my daughter and _29_. I hope Jiajia never _30_ studying. I plan tosave some money to send Jiajia to college in the future,” he said.()

10、16.Aaccident)17.A.eyesBinvitationBearsCapartmentClegsDdecisionDstomachDHardly)18.A.Together)19.A.look for)20.A.UnlessBLuckilyBlook atBHoweverCPrettyClook afterCBecauseDlook likeDAlthough2 / 5 ()21.A.Before)22.A.none)23.A.move)24.A.OfBAfterBbothCWhenCeitherDDuringDeachBshowBOnCwaitDbuildDInCTo)25.A.w

11、hat)26.A.hitBwhoCwhyDhowBhurtCriskDcontrolDaddedDsuccessful)27.A.tried)28.A.unlucky)29.A.sonsCparents)30.A.gets intoBrepliedBdangerousCstoppedCdifficultBbrothersDgrandparentsCgives away(Bgets offDgives up四、阅读理解On May 25th, 2016, Yang Jiang left us forever. Many people may know herbecause she is the

12、wife of a famous writer, Qian Zhongshu. But in fact, she isalso a writer, a translator and also did many researches on foreign literature.Such two great writers fell in love with each other as soon as they met in Qinghua University.Then they married and gave birth to a daughter.Yang was born on July

13、 17th, 1911. We can call Yang“sir”. In China, not only can a man becalled “sir”, but also a woman if she is knowledgeable enough. Yang did a good job in writing.She wrote her own book SixChaptersfromMyLifeDownunder. In the book, she described thehardest life between her husband and her in a humorous

14、 way. Then she wrote another bookSoontoHaveTea. In 1988, she published her only novel Baptism. This book had some connectionwith her husbands famous work FortressBesieged. At the age of 96, she surprised the world withher last work ReachingtheBrinkofLife.3 / 5 Besides writing in Chinese, Yang was al

15、so good at English, French and Spanish. She madegreat contributions to Chinese literature with her translations. Yang famously translatedDonQuixote from Spanish to Chinese, and it has been the most popular translation ever since.()31. Yang Jiang died when she was _A. 100 years old B. 103 years old C

16、. 105 years old D. 110 years old()32. Yangs book _ is about her and her husbands life.A. BaptismB. SoontoHaveTeaC. ReachingtheBrinkofLifeD. SixChaptersfromMyLifeDownunder()33. We can learn from the passage that Yang could speak at least _ languages.A. two B. three C. four D. five()34. According to t

17、he passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. In China, we only call a man “sir”.B. In 2007, Yang wrote her last book.C. Yang met her husband in Beijing University.D. Yang published lots of novels and translated many books.参考答案一、1. trouble 2. hit3. herself4. onto5. surprise二、6. yourself 7. easily 8. but 9. a 10. more serious 11. weeks 12. with4 / 5 13. not to touch 14. cleaning 15.If三、1620.ACBCD 2125.ABADD 2630.BADCD四、3134 CDCB5 / 5

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