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1、Unit14动词的时态一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.(百色中考)To avoid getting together,our school (hold) a parentsmeeting online last week.2. Tom ( visit)the British Museum every month when he was in London.3. During the coming summer vacation,I (attend) a DIY course.4. Mary usually (watch) films once a month.5. I dont kno

2、w many pop songs, but I do know some folk songs my grandmother (teach) me at an early age.二、单项选择。1.(北京中考)Theworkers the community center now.A. cleaned B. were cleaning C. will clean D. are cleaning 2.(北京中考)Dont lose heart. If you keep working hard, you some day.A. will succeed B. succeed C. succeed

3、ed D. have succeeded 3.(镇江中考)-You look tired!- My husband football matches all night. That was too noisy!A. watches B. has watched C. was watching D. will watch 4.(郴州中考)- Is your father at home? - No.He his car outside.A. was washing B.will wash C. is washing5.(盘锦中考)The little boy wont go to sleep u

4、nless his mom him a story.A. tells B. told C. is telling D. will tell 宾语从句单项选择。1.(荆州中考)-I am worried I can enter a good high school or not.- Work hard and trust in yourself.A. why B. what C. whether D. where 2.(贵港中考)-I wonder .- I am not sure.Maybe yes.A. if has Dave got his drivers licenseB. how lo

5、ng has Dave got his drivers licenseC. if Dave has got his drivers licenseD. how long Dave has got his drivers license3.(常州中考)- Mum, do you know ? An engineer.- Thats interesting. I guess you often fix things for others in your school.A. what do my classmates call me B. what my classmates call meC. w

6、hy do my classmates call me D. why my classmates call me4.(盘锦中考)He asked .A. how was the weather today B. where Grace rides a bikeC. when Wang Yaping returned to the earthD.that Bryan played soccer well重难点培优重难点1 instruction的用法1.(日照一模)Read the I carefully before you use the new machine. This can help

7、 you to keep safe.2.(新疆生产建设兵团中考)-How did you fix up the broken bicycle?- Its easy. I just followed the .A. instructions B. instruments C. interviews D. inventions 3.你能给我一些如何使用这台机器的说明吗?- 重难点 2 keep ones cool 的用法1.(鸡西中考)-When we are in danger, we should .- You are right. We must act after thinking twi

8、ce.A. keep our cool B. let down C. kick off2.(盘锦中考)无论发生什么,你都应该保持冷静。You should no matter what happens.3. Everyone should stay calm in the face of danger.(同义句转换)Everyone should in the face of danger.重难点3 go by和 go off 辨析1.(牡丹江中考)Ill go to senior high school soon. I cant believe how fast the time !A. w

9、ent on B. went off C. went by2.(扬州中考)In such a cheerful conver sation, the time all too quickly.A. went up B. went down C. went by D. went back 3.我的闹钟今天早上没响。- 重难点 4responsible 的用法1.(泰安一模)If there were no police, who should be r for our safety?2. One of Janes (responsible) is to water flowers.3.(达州中考

10、)青少年们应该学会对自己的行为负责。Teenagers should learn to be their behavior.重难点5 separate的用法1.(贵港中考)-Mum, could I help you take out the rubbish?- Sure. But it into different kinds for recycling first. A. separatesB. should separate C. was separated D. should be separated2. We were good friends in college, but aft

11、er graduation we went our ways.A. private B. separate C. calm D. boring 3.(常州中考)汤姆,你将在什么时候向我们展示如何进行垃圾分类?- into different groups, Tom?答案:动词的时态一、1. held 2. visited 3. will attend 4. watches5. taught二、1.D 句意:现在工人们正在清扫社区中心。由时间状语now可知,本句应用现在进行时态表示此刻正在发生的动作。2.A 句意:不要气馁。如果你继续努力工作,总有一天你会成功的。本句为含有if引导的条件状语从句

12、的复合句,遵循“主将从现”的规则。再从some day可知,主句应用一般将来时态。3.C根据上句句意“你看起来很累!”可知,答句句意是:我丈夫整晚都在看足球比赛。那太吵了!表示“昨夜一直在干某事”,时态应用过去进行时。4.C 句意:“你爸爸在家吗?”“不,他正在外面洗车。”根据句子的语境可知用现在进行时。5.A 句意:这个小男孩不会去睡觉,除非他的妈妈给他讲个故事。unless引导的句子要用一般现在时态表示将来。宾语从句1.C 句意:“我担心我能否进入一所好的高中。”“努力学习,相信自己。”why为什么;what 什么;whether是否; where 哪里。根据句中的or not可知应选wh

13、ether。2.C 句意:“我想知道Dave是否有驾照。”“我不确定,可能有吧。”宾语从句应用陈述语序,即“从句引导词十主语+谓语动词”,A和B选项的语序错误,故排除A、B选项。根据句意可排除D选项。3.B 由下文 An engineer可知,上句问妈妈知道同学们称呼他什么吗,应用连接词what,排除C和D选项。宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除A选项。4.C 宾语从句要用陈述句的语序,排除A;主句用的是过去时态,宾语从句要用过去的某种时态,排除B;根据句意可知,后面是询问的内容,不是陈述的内容,排除D。重难点11. instructions2.A 句意:“你怎样修理坏的自行车?”“这很容易。我只是照

14、着说明书。”instruction 说明书;instrument 乐器; interview采访;invention发明。3. Can you give me some instructions on how to use the machine?重难点21.A 根据答语“你是对的,我们必须三思而行。”可知,前句应表示:当我们陷入危险时,我们应该保持冷静。2. keep your cool 3. keep his cool重难点31.C 根据前句句意“我不久就要上高中了。”可知,后句应表示:我真不敢相信时间过得这么快!go on 继续;go off离开,变质;go by 流逝。2.C 句意:在

15、这样愉快的谈话中,时间过得太快了。go up上升; go down 下降;go by 流逝;go back 返回;追溯。3. My alarm clock didnt go off this morning.重难点41. responsible2. responsibilities3.responsible for重难点51.D 由上句“妈妈,我能帮你倒垃圾吗?”可知,答语中的 it 指代 the rubbish。答语中主语it和动词separate之间是被动关系,故使用被动结构,排除选项A和B。由答语中“Sure. But it”可知,垃圾还没有被分成不同种类,妈妈在提醒孩子应该在倒垃圾之前先分类来循环利用。2.B 根据后面的ways可知,应该是单独的路。separate单独的。3. When are you going to show us how to separate waste

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