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1、Unit13动词的时态用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.(盘锦中考)We are (try) to make our city cleaner and more beautiful.2.(广西北部湾经济区四市中考)Robert has (spend) three days preparing for his match.3. Look! Some boys (swim) in thepool.4. I (buy) a schoolbag yesterday.5. While Mike (listen) to music, his father was reading a newspaper.

2、被动语态根据提示将下列句子译成英语。1.农民每年在山上种树。(plant)- 2.他的故事被很多人传播。(spread)- 3.在我们家乡明年将建一所新学校。(build)- 4.青少年应该被允许自己做决定。(allow)- used to 与 be used to 的用法用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She used to (ride) a bike to work every day.2. Did you (use) to get up early?3. Im used to ( watch) TVon weekends.4. During the Spring Festival,

3、 the young used to (kowtow) to the elderly, but now they only give them best wishes.情态动词单项选择。1.- I take photos here?-Sorry, you cant. Its not allowed in the museum.A. Must B. Need C.Can D. Will2.(镇江中考)-I dont care what Kate thinks.- Well, you . Her suggestions are of some value.A. would B. should C.

4、might D. could3.(朝阳中考)-Dad,must I become a doctor like you when I finish university in the future?No,you . You can make your own decision and do whatever you like.A. dont have to B. cantC. mustnt D. couldnt4.(盘锦中考)-I cant find my dictionary. I use yours?- Sure, here you are.A. Need B.May C.Must D.Sh

5、ould 5.(葫芦岛中考)-The paper cutting is pretty lively. Who made it?-It be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.A. would B. need C. must D. can重难点培优重难点 1 cost,spend, pay 和 take 辨析1.(丽水中考)Walking is good for health and it nothing.2.(连云港二模)-Is the price of the backpack very ?-No, it me only twenty y

6、uan.A. high; spent B. expensive; takes C. high; cost D. cheap; spends3. - Will you take the normal train or the bullet train(高速列车)to Beijing?-The bullet train. I will have to more money, but it will less time.A. cost; pay B. take; spend C. pay; take D. spend; cost 4. The gift cost me 100 yuan.(同义句转换

7、)I 100 yuanthe gift.重难点2 harm 和 harmful 辨析1.(自贡中考)Dont eat junk food. Its h to your health.2. People use too many plastic bags and throw them away.It is (harm) to our environment.3.吸烟对我们的健康有害。- 4. Cutting down trees is harmful to the environment.(同义句转换)Cutting down trees the environment.重难点3 take pa

8、rt in, join 和 attend 辨析1.(丽水中考)I (参加) an environmental project last Saturday.2.(南京二模)-Would you like to my birthday party this Saturday?- Sorry, I have an important meeting to .A. attend; join B. take part in; attend C. join; take part inD. attend; join in3.(东营中考改编)The Tokyo Olympics was held from J

9、uly 23rd to August 8th in2021. Chinese athletes 155 events.A. took part in B. took care of C. took pride in D. paid attention to 重难点 4 afford 的用法1.(日照中考改编)Nowadays some farmers can afford (buy) a house in the city.2.(扬州中考)汤姆买不起那把小提琴,因为它太贵了。- 重难点 5 turn off, turn on, turn up 和 turn down 辨析1.(吉林中考)The

10、 sign on the wall said“ the lights as you go out”. A. Turn off B. Take off C. Put off2.(福建中考) Please the lights when you leave the room. Be a greener person.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up 3.(铜仁中考)-Mr. Chen, my kid is sleeping. Would you mind you radio?- Sorry. Ill do it at once.A. turning down B.

11、 turn down C. turning up D. turn up答案:动词的时态1. trying 2. spent 3. are swimming 4. bought5. was listening被动语态1. Trees are planted by farmers on the mountains every year. 2. His story was spread by many people. 3. A new school will be built in our hometown next year.4. Teenagers should be allowed to ma

12、ke their own decisions.used to 与 be used to的用法1. ride 2. use 3. watching 4. kowtow情态动词1.C 句意:“我能在这儿拍照吗?”“对不起,不能。博物馆内不允许拍照。”根据答语中的cant可知,问句应用can提问。2.B上句句意是:我不在意Kate怎么想。根据答句的后句句意“她的建议有些价值。”可知,答句的前句句意是:嗯,你应该(在意Kate怎么想)。表示“应当、应该”应用 should。3.A 句意:“爸爸,将来我大学毕业后必须像你一样成为一个医生吗?”“不,你不必。你可以自己决定,想做什么就做什么。”对 must

13、的否定回答应该用neednt 或 dont have to。4.B 句意:“我找不到我的字典了。我可以用你的吗?”“当然可以了,给你。”分析语境可知,此处表示“可以”,用may。5.C 句意:“这个剪纸很生动。谁做的?”“一定是Amy。除了她,我们谁也做不到。”根据“None of us except her is able to do it. ”可知,除了Amy都做不到,所以此处指一定是Amy做的,表肯定推测用must。重难点11. costs2.C 句意:“这个背包的价格非常高吗?”“不,它只花了我二十元。”high 高的;expensive昂贵的;cheap便宜的。修饰价格的高低用hig

14、h或low,排除B和 D;spend花费,主语是人;cost 花费,主语是物。第二空主语it指代the backpack,属于物,用cost。3. 句意:“你是坐普通火车还是高速列车去北京?”“高速列车。我得付更多的钱,但花的时间会少一些。”cost 花费,物作主语;pay支付,人作主语;take花费,it takes some time to do sth.花费多长时间去做某事;spend花费,人作主语。第一空是人作主语,排除A和 B;第二空主语是it,且指花费时间,用take。4. spent; on/buying重难点2 1. harmful 2. harmful 3. Smoking

15、is harmful to our health. 4. does harm to重难点31. took part in2.B 句意:“这个星期六你愿意参加我的生日聚会吗?”“对不起,我有一个重要的会议要参加。”attend 出席,参加(会议或课);join加入(组织或团体);take part in参加(群众性活动);join in加入,参加(活动)。由空格后my birthday party可知是参加生日派对,表达参加活动,第一个空格处用动词短语take part in或 join in;根据 an important meeting可知表达出席会议,第二个空格处用动词attend。3.

16、A take part in参与;take care of 照顾;take pride in以而自豪;pay attention to注意。根据Chinese athletes及155 events可知,表达“参与”,用动词短语take part in。重难点41. to buy 2. Tom cant afford that violin because its too expensive.重难点51.A 句意:墙上的牌子上写着“当你出去时,关上灯”。根据句意,结合词义可知选A项。2. A turn off 关闭; turn on打开;turn up调大(音量)。根据句意可知,环保的做法是离开时关灯。3.A 句意:“陈先生,我的孩子在睡觉。你介意调低你收音机的音量吗?”“抱歉,我立刻做。”turn down 调低(音量);turn up调高(音量)。根据my kid is sleeping可知,要调低音量,排除 C、D;mind doing sth.表示“介意做某事”。

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