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1、Unit12 过去完成时一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I ( finish) homework before my mother came back last night.2. By the end of last term, we (learn) 1,000 new words.3. The train (leave) by the time I got to the station.4. The test (begin) when I arrived at school.5. My mother said that she (find)my lost keys.6. Only a

2、t that time did I realize I (make) a mistake.二、单项选择。1.(上海奉贤二模)By the age of 14,Su Yiming to train on the national team.A. began B. has begun C. will begin D. had begun2. - Sorry, I my notebook at home.- It doesnt matter. But dontolidw to bring it to school this afternoon.A. leave; forget B. left; fo

3、rget C. forget; leave D. forgot; leave 3.(上海长宁二模)Imet Tony last Tuesday. We in touch with each other for about 2 years.A. didnt keep B. havent kept C. werent keeping D. hadnt kept4.(内蒙古二模)-The play had already been on for quite some time when we at the New Theater.-What a pity! It is really worth se

4、eing.A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arrived D. arrive 5.(上海浦东二模)Lisa felt very happy as she well in a reading contest the day before.A. does B. did C. has done D. had done 三、句型转换。1. Her brother had gone to school by the timeshe got up.(改为一般疑问句)- her brother to school by the time she got up?2.My m

5、other said, “I have finished cooking dinner.”(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)My mother said that finished cooking dinner.3. The movie had been on for ten minutes when I got there.(改为否定句)The movie been on for ten minutes when I got there.4. She had learned English for three years.(对画线部分提问)- she learned English?5. I ca

6、lled the famous basketball player. Thebasketball player finished the basketball game. (用 by the time连接两个句子)- I the famous basketball player,he the basketball game.重难点培优重难点1 expect,expected, unexpected 和unexpectedly 辨析1.(无锡中考)You ( expect) to be more organized in high school. So you can keep a diary.

7、2. In an old Chinese story, an old man lost a horse. However, things ( expect) turned into good ones at last.3. I expect him to my birthday party this Saturday evening on time.A. come B. comesC. to come D. coming 4.他的小说常常有出乎意料的结局。- 重难点2 leave 和 forget 辨析1. Dont forget (turn) off the lights when you

8、go out.2.(菏泽二模)-I cant find my mobile phone.- Dont worry. Maybe you it at home.A. forgot B. missed C. lost D.left 3.他昨天离开北京了。 重难点3live, alive, living 和 lively 辨析1. Everyone likes to attend Mr. Smiths classes. They are always interesting and (live).2.(泰州中考)The documentary For the Sake of Peace(为了和平)b

9、rings the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝战争) on screen.A. living B. lively C. alive D.live3.没有水和空气,所有生物将会死亡。- 重难点4 believe,believable,unbelievable. belief 和 disbelief 辨析1. Mike often tells lies. I think his words are (believe).2.(抚顺三模)-Do you think Jim is lying? - No.I trust him.He is

10、 a(n) boy.A. unexpected B. believable C.valuable D.dishonest 3.他怀疑地看着我。He looked at me .4.我认为他是一个诚实的孩子。- 重难点5 above,on 和 over 辨析1.(台州中考改编)The little boy was excited while flying (在.上面)the clouds for the first time.2. I think a bridge should be built the river.3.(沈阳二模) The mountain is high. It is3,00

11、0 meters sea level.A. under B. above C. below D. over4.在课桌上有一本书。- 过去完成时答案一、1. had finished 2. had learned3. had left 4. had begun 5. had found 6. had made二、1.D 句意:14岁的时候,苏翊鸣已经开始在国家队训练。根据时间状语By the age of 14可知,句子的时态是过去完成时,因此此处用had begun,意为“已经开始”。2.B 句意:“对不起,我把我的笔记本忘在家里了.”“没关系。但是今天下午别忘了把它带到学校来。”forget

12、和 leave 都有“忘记某物”之意,但是后边有地点时必须用 leave,表示“忘记某事”用forget。3.D句意:我上星期二遇到了Tony。我们已经大约有两年没有联系了。根据“Imet Tony last Tuesday.”可知,和 Tony 见面的动作发生在过去。根据“We. in touch with each other for about 2years.”可知,未保持联系的动作发生在过去的过去,需用过去完成时。4.B 句意:“当我们到达新剧院的时候,那部戏剧已经开演有一段时间了。”“真遗憾!它的确很值得一看。”根据空格前的主句谓语“had been”可知,主句采用过去完成时,表示“

13、过去的过去发生的事情”,因此when 引导的时间状语从句应用一般过去时,动词使用过去式arrived。5.D 句意:Lisa感到非常高兴,因为她在前一天的阅读比赛中取得了好成绩。根据句意可知,阅读比赛的时间要比 Lisa 开心的时间早,因此用过去完成时had done.三、1.Had;gone 2. she had3. hadnt 4. How long had 5. By the time; called;had finished重难点提优重难点11. are expected2. unexpectedly3.C expect sb. to do sth.期待某人做某事,是固定短语。4. H

14、is novels often have unexpected endings.重难点21. to turn2.D forget 忘记,指忘记某人或事,后不接地点;miss 想念,错过;lose 丢失;“leave sth.十地点”意为“把忘在某处”。结合it at home可知选 D。3. He left Beijing yesterday.重难点31. lively2.C 句意:为了和平这部纪录片将抗美援朝战争生动地搬到了银幕上。bring sth.alive使活灵活现。living现在分词或形容词,活着的;lively形容词,充满活力的; alive 表语形容词,鲜活的;live 动词,

15、生活,或作形容词,表示直播的。3. Without water or air, all living things will die.重难点41. unbelievable2.B 句意:“你认为Jim在撒谎吗?”“不,我相信他。他是一个值得信赖的男孩。”unexpected 意想不到的;believable值得信任的;valuable有价值的;dishonest不诚实的。根据“No.I trust him.”可知,他是值得信任的。3. in disbelief 4. I think he is an honest boy.重难点51. above 2. over3.B 句意:这座山很高。海拔3000 米。under在之下;above在之上;below在下面;over在上面。根据句意可知,此处是指山的海拔,是在海平面之上的高度,排除 A、C选项;另外表达海拔一般不用over,用 above, above sea level意为“海拔高度”。4. There is a book on the desk.

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