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冀教版七年级下《Unit1 A Trip to Beijing Lesson 7》.ppt

1、 Unit1Lesson 7 BuyingTrainTicketsBuyingTrainTicketsLets chant!coatskirtdressshirthatsweaterjacket a pair of pants a pair of shorts a pair of shoes a pair of socksclothesteddy bearsuitcaseUseful expressions:1.pack with 2.-May I help you?-Sure.(No,thanks)4.this that these-those5.How many pairs of sock

2、s do you have?3.-Do you want that jacket?-Yes,please.(No,thanks.)6.You need more 7.Dont forget your Try to retell the story:1.Li Ming,will,leave for,on February first in the,pack with3.and,Jenny,help him4.want,a jacket,two pairs of socks,two shirts5.but,not need,a teddy bear ticket tick

3、ets a train stationListen and catch the answer:How many tickets does Li Ming need?Useful structures(结构结构)and expressions:1.How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?2.When does the train leave?3.When does the train arrive?4.How much(money)does Li Ming pay? the train station2.go to the t

4、rain station to buy tickets3.How much for(is)a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?4.Have a good trip!Have a good time!Have a lovely day!5.How much(money)does Li Ming pay?Ticket seller:Good morning!Can I help you?Li Ming:Yes.How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing,please?T:Forty yuan.L:Wh

5、en does the train leave?T:At 11:00.L:When does the train arrive?T:At 2:00 in the afternoon.L:I need four tickets,please.T:Here you are.Have a good trip.L:Thank you.Run to the train.Walk to the train.Jump on the train.Stand beside the train.Sit down.Sit on the suitcase.Stand up.Dont run to the train.

6、Dont walk to the train.Dont jump on the train.Dont stand beside the train.Dont sit down.Dont sit on the suitcase.Dont stand up.Read and answer:1.Who takes Jenny,Danny and Li Ming to the train station?2.Is the train ready?3.What does Danny want to do?4.What does the man ask Danny to do?5.Why is Danny

7、 running?Read and answer:1.How does Danny feel?2.What does Mrs Li ask Danny not to do?3.Why does Mrs Li tell Danny not to run?4.How does a person feel when they are excited?Useful structures(结构结构)and expressions:1.There is the train.=The train is there.2.Danny runs to the train and jumps sth.习惯习惯 do sth.具体具体4.3.Trains are so fun.5.4.Beijing is so great.6.5.Come on.7.6.Thats okay.=Thats all right.8.7.Yikes!=Oh,no!9.8.fall down fall fellMake your sentences:I am excited!I want to A task:Make your dialogues about buying tickets.

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