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六年级英语下册Unit 5课件1.ppt

1、springsummerautumnwinterseasonshotcoldwarmcoolWhich season do you like best?I likebest.最Ask and answer你最喜欢哪个季节?我最喜欢springsummerautumn winter Dear Miss Ma:How are you?Do you remember my uncle John?He likes the teapots of Yixing very much.He is going there in Summer Holiday.But he wants to know the we

2、ather about Yixing.Can you tell me?With best wishes BenHe is from New York Whats the weather like in spring?Its .warm sunny rainy windyWhats the weather like in summer?Its .hot sunny rainy windyWhats the weather like in autumn?Its .cool sunny rainy windyWhats the weather like in winter?Its .cold sun

3、ny rainy windy snowy Say a chant:There are four seasons in Yixing.Sping,summer,autumn and winter.Sping is warm,sometimes its rainy.Summer is hot,I hope its windy.Autumn is cool,usually its sunny.Winter is cold,sometimes its snowy.Welcome you,welcome you,Yixing is friendly.Listen and answer questions

4、1.Who is going to New York next week?2.What is Su Yang doing?Learning Tip(学习方法小提示):听录音前,先仔细读题;在听录音时抓住关键词,快速在书上划下来。Su Yangs dad.She is asking Ben questions about the weather in New York.将要,打算将要,打算seasonsweatherspringsummerautumnwinterhotcool,sunny and windy rainy and warm coldRead and fill in the for

5、mLearning Tip(学习方法小提示学习方法小提示):我们在寻找某些信息时,应快速通篇跳读,找到所需要的我们在寻找某些信息时,应快速通篇跳读,找到所需要的部分。找到关键词后,可放慢速度,仔细读要查找的内容。部分。找到关键词后,可放慢速度,仔细读要查找的内容。Listen,read and followLearning tip(有节奏有节奏,有表情的大声朗读)有表情的大声朗读)Fill in the blanks(根据课文内容填空根据课文内容填空)In New York,theres a lot of rain in _.The weather in summer is as _ as i

6、n Nanjing.Autumn is the best _ in New York.Its _ and _.In winter its _ than in Nanjing.Dad,you need to buy some _ clothes.springhotseasoncoolsunnycolderwarmDo a surveyMiss Mawintercold and snowymake snowmenNameSeason WeatherActivities(活动)Ask your partners(伙伴)the following questions and then fill in the form(填表).1.Excuse me,Which season do you like best?2.Whats the weather like in?Su Hai summerhot and sunnygo swimmingHomework*Read Part A fluently.*Write a short passage(小短文小短文)-The Weather in Yixing.*观看天气预报,第二天用英语转述。观看天气预报,第二天用英语转述。Goodbye!snowman(复复)snowmen make snowmen

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