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八年级英语It’s a nice day isn’t it课件2.ppt

1、Unit 10Its a nice day,isnt it?Period One北白象镇中林蓓蕾北白象镇中林蓓蕾traveling to EnglandAt a subwaystationThe subway is late,isnt it?It sure is.On a busIn a subwayThe subway is crowded,isnt it?Yes,it is.You love violin music,dont you?No,I dont.23Listen and number the pictures above in the order you hear them.Cu

2、lture background:small talkSmall talk can consist of(由由组成组成)any inconsequential(不重要的不重要的)conversation that people make,usually with people they dont know well.Small talk can really be about anything,but often small and unimportant things like the weather,current events(时事时事),sports or the

3、bus stop A:Its a nice day,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.A:The bus is late,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.This line is moving slowly,isnt it?Do you think its going to rain?(have been waiting for twenty minutes already,forgot to bring umbrella)Pairwork:suppose you are in the line,make different small talks with your partn

4、er.Listen to the three conversations.successfulunsuccessfulConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk?Are they examples of successful or unsuccess-ful small talk?To have successful small talk,both peopleneed to ask questions.Listen to Convers

5、ation 3 again.Put the sentences and questions below in order.a.I hope so.I want to go swimming.b.Yes.It rains every Saturday!c.At Franklin Lake.d.Oh?Where do you swim?e.Do you think itll stop by noon?f.It always rains on the weekend,doesnt it?g.Do you ever go there?A.(Opening Question)f (1)B.(Answer

6、)_(2)(Question)(3)A.(Answer)(4)B.(Question)(5)A.(Answer)(6)(Question)(7)abedcgPairwork:Make a successful small talk.You may use these expressions:Its really exciting,isnt it?You love basketball,dont you?You like Yao Ming,dont you?Discuss in fours:When we begin a small talk,we are asked to begin a su

7、ccessfulone.Some sentences we can use,but some sentences we cant use.Please tell us some unsuccessful small talk topics.Grammar:反意疑问句反意疑问句构成:构成:陈述句,简单问句陈述句,简单问句如果陈述句是肯定句,简单问句则用否定形式。如果陈述句是肯定句,简单问句则用否定形式。It is a nice day,isnt it?简单问句的构成:简单问句的构成:Is it a nice day?如果陈述句是否定句,简单问句则用肯定形式。如果陈述句是否定句,简单问句则用肯定形

8、式。It isnt a nice day,is it?Is it?Isnt it a nice day?Isnt it?Does he go to school by bike every day?Does he?1.陈述部分是陈述部分是I am 或或 Im 时,疑问部分用时,疑问部分用 arent I 2.陈述部分有陈述部分有no,never,few,little时,疑问部分用肯定时,疑问部分用肯定3.陈述部分主语是陈述部分主语是there,this,that,these,those 疑疑 问部分用问部分用there,it,they4.陈述部分主语是陈述部分主语是everyone,every

9、body,someone,somebody,anybody,no one,nobody等时,疑问部等时,疑问部分用分用they,he;陈述部分是陈述部分是everything,something,nothing,anything时,疑问部分用时,疑问部分用 it 5.祈使句的反意疑问句用祈使句的反意疑问句用will you,或或 shall we6.宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是第一人称第一人称且谓且谓 语动词是语动词是think,believe等时,以从句为准等时,以从句为准行为动词:行为动词:1.It often rains here,_?2.He

10、 likes soccer,_ _?其它动词:其它动词:1.You will go to America,_ _?2.We have ever been to Shanghai,_ _?结构一:结构一:前肯,前肯,+后否后否 Be 动词:动词:1.You are an actor,_ _?2.He is a good boy,_ _?arent youisnt he doesnt itdoesnt hewont youhavent we三、特殊用法三、特殊用法1.There is a boy in our classroom,_ _?2.There were many cars in the

11、street,_ _?3.There will be robots in our families,_ _?4.Sit down please,_?5.Please call me,_?6.Lets go home,_?7.Let us go home,_?8.Let me see,_?isnt therewerent therewont therewill youwill youshall wewill youwill you二、结构:二、结构:结构二:结构二:前否,前否,+后肯后肯 eg.SARS isnt scary,is it?结构一:结构一:前肯,前肯,+后否后否 eg.SARS i

12、s scary,isnt it?结构二:结构二:前否,前否,+后肯后肯 1.You arent an actor,_ _?2.He isnt a good boy,_ _?3.It wasnt fine yesterday,_ _?4.It doesnt rain here,_ _?5.His sister doesnt have a headache,_ _?6.You didnt call me yesterday,_ _?are youis hewas itdoes itdoes shedid you7.You wont go to U.S.A.,_ _?8.There isnt a boy in our classroom,_ _?9.There werent many cars in the street,_ _?10.Dont smoke,_ _?11.Dont lets do it,_ _?will youis therewere therewill youshall weHomeworkHomework1.Copy all the new words once,2.Finish off the workbook.3.Prepare a conversation with your partner for an action.

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