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开心学英语五年级下册《Unit 6 It’s a vacation》ppt课件之二.ppt

1、Unit 6 Its a vacation判断下列短语与图片内容是否相符,并标上T(是)或F(否)。1.get a haircut (T )2.take a test () some friends ()3.have a party ()T F F 6.go on vacation () for clothes ()5.see the doctor ()8.write letters ()T F T F B.看图回答问题。1.What are you going to do today?I am going to get a haircut.2.Are you goin

2、g to meet some friends?Yes,I am.3.What is he going to do today?4.What are they going to do tomorrow?5.What is she going to do the day after tomorrow?He is going to take a test.Thay are going to have a party.She is going to do shop for clothes.6.Is he going to see the doctor?7.Are they going to go on

3、 vacation?8.Is she going to meet some friends?Yes,he is.Yes,they are.No,she isnt.仿照例句写句子。例:John,water the flowers,this afternoon John is going to water the flowers this afternoon.1.Mary,take a rest,tonight2._2.I,meet some friends,this Sunday _3.they,shop for clothes,the day after tomorrow _4.Tony,ge

4、t a haircut,tomorrow _5.Gogo,see the doctor,today _Mary is going to take a rest tonight.I am going to meet some friends this Sunday.They are going to shop for clothes the day after tomorrow.Tony is going to get a haircut tomorrow.Gogo is going to see the doctor today.翻译下列短语。1.拜访亲戚 _2.制作模型_3.去野餐_4.上网

5、_5.看书_6.照相_7.和朋友玩_8.帮助爸爸_help my dad.make modelsvisit relativesread some bookshave a picnicsurf the nettake some photosplay with friendsWhat are you going to do on vacation?Im going to surf the net.我打算上网。在假期你打算做什么?What are you going to do?Im going to read some books.你今天打算做什么?我今天打算看书。A.What are you g

6、oing to do on cavation?Im going to _.B.What is she going to do on vacation?Shes going to _.C.What are we going to do tomorrow?We are going to _.D.What are they going to do on Sunday?They are going to my dad.make a modelvisit relativesread some booksWhat are they going to do?A.They are going to have a picnic.B._C._They are going to ride their bikes.They are going to make models.CBA

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