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五年级英语The English club课件5.ppt

1、 Shen Wenzhi,from YangzhouFun with English 5B visit(访问;参观)My name is Joe.Im from Yangzhou.I like and .My favourite colour is tomato(西红柿色)(西红柿色).Id like to visit France and Mexico.(法国)(法国)(墨西哥)(墨西哥)Yangzhoucity (城市)Huaiandifferent cities (不同的城市)the UKthe USAChinaId like to visit d c .ifferent不同的不同的 o

2、untries国家国家 country国家:countries国家:国家:France当我们看较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,当我们看较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如时间、地点、人物等。如时间、地点、人物等。Learning tips(学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示):1.Who is the visitor?2.Where are they?3.How many children are there?Watch the cartoon and then answer the questions.Unit 9 The English Club当我们看较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,当

3、我们看较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如所需要信息的关键词。如所需要信息的关键词。Learning tip(学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示):1.Who is the visitor?Tony White.2.Where are they?Theyre in the English club.3.How many children are there?There are five.Watch the cartoon and then answer the questions.1.Nancy is Chinese/British,shes from the UK/France.2.Ben i

4、s from the USA/China,He can speak Chinese/French.1.1.不发出声音,心中默读。不发出声音,心中默读。2.2.圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。Extensive Reading Skills(泛读技巧)(泛读技巧):Read and circle.British bring fish (British)(Chinese)1.Nancy is Chinese/British,shes from the UK/France.2.Ben is from the USA/China,He can speak Chinese/Fre

5、nch.1.1.不发出声音,心中默读。不发出声音,心中默读。2.2.圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。Extensive Reading Skills(泛读技巧)(泛读技巧):Read and circle.FrenchFrench is the first language(母语母语)of France.People in France speak French.Do you speak Chinese?Do you speak English?Do you speak French?Yes.Yes.I speak Chinese.Yes,Yes.I speak Eng

6、lish.No,No.I dont speak French.What language(语言)语言)do I speak?Read and fill in the form1.1.快速阅读文章。快速阅读文章。2.2.只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。Skip Reading Skills(跳读技巧)(跳读技巧):NameCountryLanguageEnglish and ChineseBenRead and fill in the form1.1.快速阅读文章。快速阅读文章。2.2.只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过

7、。Skip Reading Skills(跳读技巧)(跳读技巧):NameCountryLanguageNancy and DavidEnglish and ChineseBenRead and fill in the form1.1.快速阅读文章。快速阅读文章。2.2.只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。Skip Reading Skills(跳读技巧)(跳读技巧):NameCountryLanguageNancy and Davidthe UKEnglish and ChineseBenRead and fill in the form1.1.快速阅读文

8、章。快速阅读文章。2.2.只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。Skip Reading Skills(跳读技巧)(跳读技巧):NameCountryLanguageNancy and Davidthe UKEnglish and ChineseBenthe USARead and fill in the form1.1.快速阅读文章。快速阅读文章。2.2.只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。只找出需要的信息,其他信息迅速跳过。Skip Reading Skills(跳读技巧)(跳读技巧):NameCountryLanguageNancy and Davidt

9、he UKEnglish and ChineseBenthe USAEnglish and French Read and say._and_are from_.Theyre_.They speak_._and_are from_.They speak_._and_ are from_.Theyre_.They speak_.1.1.阅读课文,大声朗读。阅读课文,大声朗读。2.2.关注每个细节,注意人、国家及语言的关系。关注每个细节,注意人、国家及语言的关系。Intensive Reading Skills(精读技巧)精读技巧):_and_are from_.Theyre_.They spea

10、k_.NancyEnglishBritishthe UK_and_are from_.They speak_.TonyBen_and_are from_.Theyre_.They speak_.the USAEnglishWang BingDavidChinaLiu TaoChineseChinese Read and say.I have a happy family.We are from China.Were Chinese.Its a big and beautiful country.We have a visitor today.We talk to Kate.She is fro

11、m the USA.She likes the UK a lot.We are from different countries.And she speaks English and French.Beijing is a big city.Shed like to visit it.I am very glad to see her.We make friends each other.FrenchA visitor Kate小明的漫画日记12431.Xiao Ming is from China.Hes Chinese.()2.China is a small and beautiful

12、country.()3.Kate is a vistor.Shes from the UK.()4.Xiao Ming and Kate are from the same country.()5.Kate is Xiao Mings friend.()Read and judge.(Write T or F)I have a happy family.We are from China.Were Chinese.Its a big and beautiful country.We have a visitor today.We talk to Kate.She is from the USA

13、.She likes the UK a lot.We are from different countries.And she speaks English and French.Beijing is a big city.Shed like to visit it.I am very glad to see her.We make friends each other.FrenchA visitor Kate小明的漫画日记12431.Xiao Ming is from China.Hes Chinese.()2.China is a small and beautiful country.(

14、)3.Kate is a vistor.Shes from the UK.()4.Xiao Ming and Kate are from the same country.()5.Kate is Xiao Mings friend.()Read and judge.(Write T or F)信信 息息 表表Name:_ Age:_Country(国家国家):_Nationality(国籍国籍):_Language(语言语言):_(信息表内容不填,直接写话(信息表内容不填,直接写话.)根据上面表格的内容,写一段自我介绍:根据上面表格的内容,写一段自我介绍:_(用你假设所在国家的语言先和大家打招

15、呼)用你假设所在国家的语言先和大家打招呼)_信信 息息 表表Name:_ Age:_Country(国家国家):_Nationality(国籍国籍):_Language(语言语言):_(信息表内容不填,直接写话(信息表内容不填,直接写话.)根据上面表格的内容,写一段自我介绍:根据上面表格的内容,写一段自我介绍:大家好大家好(用你假设所在国家的语言先和大家打招呼用你假设所在国家的语言先和大家打招呼).My name is Shen Wenzhi.Im 28 years old.Im from China.Im Chinese.I speak Chinese and English.the USAAmericanthe UK BritishFranceFrench ChinaChineseGroup1Group 2Group3Group 4Homework:1.Read the text after the tape.2.Surf the Internet and try to learn more about countries.

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