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1、20092010学年度上学期末教学质量检测五年级英语试题时间:40分钟 等级 亲爱的同学们:一个学期又结束了!在这一段时间的英语学习中,你一定收获了很多很多。下面就检测一下吧!你只要积极动脑,认真思考,就一定能发挥出你自己的水平,取得优异的成绩。注意书写时要做到标准、规范、美观、大方哟,相信你的试卷能给我们赏心悦目的感觉。孩子,你一定行,因为你是最棒的! Listening part一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出您所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday( ) 2. A. sweep B. sweet C. st

2、rict( ) 3. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss( ) 4. A. closet B. clothes C. clouds( ) 5. A. path B. park C. pork二、Listen and number(听录音, 标序号)(题号:610) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答案)( ) 11. A. He is young and active. B. He is strict and tall. C. He is smart and active. ( ) 12. A. Its over the

3、bed. B. Its near the closet. C. Its over the end table. ( ) 13. A. We have cabbage and fish. B. We have potatoes and pork. C. We have mutton and potatoes. ( ) 14. A. I can make the bed. B. I can clean the bedroom.C. I can put away the clothes. ( ) 15. A. Fish. B. Apples. C. Cabbage.四、Listen and numb

4、er(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3, 给下列句子标序号)( ) 1. What can you do? (题号:1620)( ) 2. Great! Youre helpful.( ) 3. Are you helpful at home, Chen Jie?( ) 4. I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.( ) 5. Sure.五、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写) (题号:21)tree tomatoes Tuesday young read Hello! Im Amy. Im thin and _. My favou

5、rite day is _, because we have tofu and _ for lunch that day. I often watch TV and _ books at home. Im helpful at home. I can cook the meals. Look! There is a big _ and many colorful(色彩缤纷的) flowers near my house! How nice!Writing part六、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词)( ) 1. A. young

6、 B. active C. principal( ) 2. A. food B. sweet C. fresh( ) 3. A. closet B. cloud C. curtain( ) 4. A. building B. grass C. flower( ) 5. A. near B. behind C. nice七、Read and write(根据汉语提示写单词或短语)1. Shes young and pretty. shes very . (文静的)2. What day is it today? Its .(星期四)3. Whats your favourite fruit? I

7、 like grapes. Thayre . (酸的)4. What can you do, Mike? I can . (浇花)5. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a (卫生间)and a living room.八、Read and choose the right answer(单项选择)( ) 1. ? I often watch TV and read books.A. What can you do? B. What do you have on Fridays?C. What do you do on Saturdays?( ) 2. Th

8、ere is a big bridge the river. A. on B. over C. near( ) 3. I watch TV Saturdays.A. on B. at C. in( ) 4. What do you have on Tuesdays? A. Today is Tuesday. B. We have cabbage and tofu for lunch.C. We have computer, P.E and math.( ) 5. Whats your favourite fruit? A. I like mutton. Its health. B. I lik

9、e grapes. They are sour. C. I like grean beans. Its fresh.( ) 6. Tomorrow is Tuesday ,What day is it today?Today is . A. Monday B. Saturday C. Wednesday( ) 7. There many small houses in my village.A. is B. are C. have( ) 8. What you like for dinner?A. are B. do C. would( ) 9. Are you helpful at home

10、? .A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do.( ) 10. Are there any tall buildings in the village ? A. No, there arent. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there isnt.九、Put the words in right order(连词成句)1. you Thursdays do have What on ( ? ) 2. the Can bed you make ( ? ) 3. clothes are closet the Many in ( . )

11、4. any in mountains Are forest there the pandas ( ? ) 5. I like grapes dont ( . ) 十、Read and answer(读对话, 完成短文)David: Can I interview you for the school paper?Miss Green: Yes, certainly.David: What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?Miss Green: I often read books and watch TV.David: Whats your favour

12、ite food?Miss Green: I like greenbeans. They are tasty and healthy.David: What can you do at home?Miss Green: I can clean the bedroom and do the dishes.David: Are there any bridges and rivers in your village?Miss Green: Yes, there are. There are many fish in the rivers.I like my village.Our new Engl

13、ish teacher is Miss Green. Shes strict but kind. are her favourite food, because theyre and healthy. On and Sundays she often reads books and watches TV. She is helpful at home, she can clean the bedroom and . Her village is beautiful, There are many and rivers. 十一、Read and find(读一读, 找答语)( ) 1. What

14、s your room like ?( ) 2. Where is the school?( ) 3. What would you like for lunch?( ) 4. Are there any goats?( ) 5. Can you use a computer?A. Yes, I can.B. No, there arent. C. Its nice and big. D. Id like some tomatoes and mutton.E. Its in the village.十二、Read and answer(读短文, 回答问题)Hello! My name is T

15、om. I like English very much. My favourite food is fish, eggplant and mutton. Im very helpful at home. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends? My home is near a river, The w

16、ater is clean. There are many fish in the river. There are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .Welcome to my home .A. Write “T” or “F”(判断正“T”误“F”)( ) 1. Tom likes fish ,eggplant and tofu.( ) 2.There isnt a river near Toms home.( ) 3.

17、 There are some mountains in front of Toms house. B. Answer the two questions (回答以下两个问题)4. What day is it today? .5. Is there a road in front of Toms house? .听力原材料一、Listen and choose.1. Tuesday 2. sweet 3. Mr 4. closet 5. pork二、Listen and number.1. Im helpful.I can make the bed.2. What would you lik

18、e for lunch ? Id like some mutton .3. There is a lake in the forest.4. In my room. I have a trash bin.5. What do you do on Sundays ? I often do homework at home . 三、Listen and choose 1、Whats your computer teacher like? He is young and active.The question: Whats your computer teacher like?2、Where is

19、the mirror? Its near the closet.The question: Where is the mirror?3、What do you have for lunch today? I have cabbage and fish today.The question: What do you have for lunch today?4、Are you helpful at home? Yes. I can put away the clothes. The question: What can you do?5、I like apples, They are sweet

20、.The question: Whats your favourite?四、Listen and numberA: Are you helpful at home, Chen Jie?B: Sure.A: What can you do?B: I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.A: Great! Youre helpful.五、Listen and write Hello! Im Amy. Im thin and young. My favorite day is Tuesday, because we have tofu and tomatoes for lunch that day. I often watch TV and read books at home. Im helpful at home. I can cook the meals. Look! There is a big tree and many colorful(色彩缤纷的) flowers near my house! How nice!

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